Chapter 2: Happiness

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The next morning, I made breakfast in bed for my mom as she was too weak to get up today. I made scrambled eggs and toast and fresh squeezed orange juice. I put the plate of food and cup of juice on a tray and carried it up the stairs to her room. I knocked on the door quietly and walked in, dropping the tray onto the ground as my mother lays on her bed with her arms around her neck, gasping for air.

"MOM!" I ran over to her instantly.

"Can you breathe?" I asked stupidly.

And then I opened my eyes as my body was being shaken to wake up by mother. I flew up, panting for air like I just ran a marathon.

"Sweetie, are you okay?" Mom looked at me curiously as she sat on the edge of my bed.

"I had a nightmare was all." I didn't want to look her in the eyes and tell her it was about her.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked.

"No, I'm fine." I pushed the covers off of me, indicating I wanted her off my bed so I could get up.

"Breakfast is made already?" I asked in awe as I smelt the aroma from downstairs.

"Yes, french toast today. I'm feeling really good Marissa." She smiled and followed me downstairs.

"That's good mom, that's good." I smiled inside and out, it was just a nightmare after all. And she even said she's feeling really good so maybe my mom will actually win this fight over cancer.

"So do you like this Cole boy?" She asked as soon as we sat down to eat.

"Mom." I blushed and thought for a moment.

"You do." She smiled, taking a bite of her french toast.

"He's cute." I admitted.

"So cute you'll be together forever?" She asked and I raised an eyebrow.

What is she hinting at now?

"Um maybe we'll get married, I don't know. I'm kind of new to this kind of stuff mom." I laughed to hopefully take away from the awkwardness.

She didn't say anything this time and we ate the rest of breakfast in silence. Once I was finished, I put my plate in the sink and jogged upstairs to change into my outfit for the day.

Skinny jeans or shorts? Short sleeves or tank top? The struggle was so real! This time of year in September, it's in between warm weather and cold weather. Wait  a minute, capris! I pulled them out of my dresser and slid them on and going with a baby-doll tank-top styled shirt. I slipped on my gold strappy flat sandals and brushed through my hair, calling it a day.

"Marissa hurry, the bus will be here soon!" Mom yelled from downstairs. I felt bad she had to strain anything, including her voice.

"Coming." I swung my bag over my shoulder and ran down the stairs, kissing mom on the cheek before running out the door to catch the bus.

I ran down the driveway and looked to my right to see the bus flying down the street, I missed it. Dammit! I could chase after the bus like a fool or just walk to school. We have no car, so I either stay home and take care of mom or walk to school. I went back inside to ask my mom what is the best idea.

As soon as I stepped back in she asked, "You missed it? Didn't you?" 

"I'm so sorry mom, I didn't mean for it to happen." I pleaded for her forgiveness.

"It's fine sweetie, you can stay home if you'd like, keep my company." She said, almost like if I asked if I should walk to school, she would be upset.

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