January, 11th

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what is hell for you?

hell is lying on bed with whole your body aches and still you can't sleep. hell is crying alone in cinema while watching a funny movie. hell is chasing the last train you know you'll miss. hell is stealing glances. hell is the ice cream that is too cold it hurts your empty stomach.

hell is covering pain with another pain. hell is those comforting taps on your back that you don't need. hell is the emotions that cloud your view. hell is the unexpected sad ending. hell is the loud voice of motorcycle in the city that never sleeps.

what is hell for you?

hell is recalling the repressed memories. hell is unsent texts. hell is undeserved chances. hell is those stabs inside you and they do not bleed. hell is the unbearable sadness that does not need tears. hell is your head spinning and everything is just not working.

hell is the red stains on your wall. hell is the sound of clock ticking. hell is waking up from sleep and feeling even more tired than before. hell is every word you can't take back. hell is a long ride home in an empty train at midnight. 

and hell is, hell is us,
under this crappy metal roof 
too reluctant to face each other,
too scared to look away;
and time is slipping chance is running.

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