April, 30th

526 55 6

the thing about my likeness level for you is that it is very dynamic, tonight, especially:

i like you tonight because you wore red handkerchief around your head because it fit your black glasses and white shirt. i like you a little more when you moved to a couch beside me even if your friends were one table away and you were just sitting there alone and --call me overly dramatic but-- i like to think you moved because i was there. i like you even more when you stood on the stage to give speech you didn't even memorize.

i like you a little less when you went out of the room and didn't come back until forty three minutes later --yes i counted-- i thought you were gone while i hadnt seen you enough.

and here is the funny thing! i thought the level was going up again when you came in, wearing back your red handkerchief, but it didn't.

wait, wait, that is not the best part! you see, darling, i came to hate you when out of eight people, i was the only one you didn't congratulate personally, as if standing before me took so much effort and what was the use anyway?

you didn't need to be blind to not be able to see me;

i was invisible.

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