October, 3rd

361 51 7

Smile for three seconds.

Because I need it for a video I am making. It is for a project for this class I am taking. It’s nothing. Just smile. I won’t tell anyone you are smiling today. This won’t go anywhere. Only me and my professor would see this.

It’s easy, you know, smiling. And if you think it is not, just pretend it is. You have been pretending all your life, anyway. A smile is a perfect cover of sorrow, you said. Then smile. For three seconds.

Can you smile for three seconds?

Because the rain has just stopped a few minutes before and the grass is still wet and it still smells like freedom. Because you see a kid laughing and kiss your hand and her smile is raw and genuine.

Smile. It won’t hurt. It is easy, it is stretching your lips to the left and right at the same time with a speck of your soul poured at each end. Smile. At least your lips. And then your eyes. Your nose. Your cheeks. Until your whole face is smiling and then hold it. For three seconds.

Please smile at me for three seconds.

Because I like it. Because I like it when you smile. Because when I said it lights up my world I meant it. Smile. Because I love it. Because I promise you it doesn’t hurt.

Smile. It’s pretty. It’s pretty, even when there is a hint of sadness it’s okay. There are sad poems and sad songs and sad stories but they can still be pretty and they are the things I believe in this very world.

Smile. Because I am going to believe your smile, too. Because I will like it I will love it I will gather the alliances of all kind of words and turn it into poetry even when I just swore to the world I can’t write poetry.

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