Chapter 1

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I never really thought about it, I guess. Music, to me, is an addiction. Like...a drug! Yes, a drug! The only difference is that music keeps you alive, while drugs can kill you instantly. Music actually is the only thing that has kept me alive, other than my tiny amount of friends. My name is Gwinn Marlon, the nonsocial depressed teenager who is extremely addicted to emotional books and music. That one kid who sits in the back of the class, wishing to disappear. That one kid you bully and pick on constantly just so that you can fit in with the other kids. That one kid who wishes their own heart can stop beating at any moment.

But, then of course, are my saviors, which are my friends, who don’t really understand me personally, but they aid me sometimes with my problems. My other saviors are: Mrs.Darila (aka Mrs.D), my beyond amazing band teacher, and my clarinet, my magnificent instrument which I practice most of the time. I usually practice it when I don’t have loads of homework to do. I literally drown in homework! I’m the swimmer, the homework is the water that’s drowning me, and my mom is the lifeguard, supporting me so that I finish my homework, and not drown in it!

I try my absolute best to finish my homework, so that I can practice my magnificent clarinet. I even named my clarinet! It’s name is Harold, and it is completely obvious he’s a male. Harold has a very fine, rich, and dark sound. It’s sound is as smooth and sweet as milk chocolate. I adore every hour, minute, second, and nanosecond I spend with my clarinet! It has a magnetic force toward me. That probably sounds cheesy to you, but it’s true! I get exceedingly enthusiastic on days I have band class! My stomach turns into a butterfly nest, due to all the nervousness and excitement! My heart beats to the beat of a drum.

My mind races with energy and thoughts of music. I literally can’t wait to get to band class on days like these. So, as you see, I am pretty much IN LOVE with music and books.

After all that talk about music and emotions, let’s head to school talk. I go to Rory Parker Middle School. The school is at an “okay” status, but I wish I can have another elective other than band, so I can get a chance to start something new, like cooking or volleyball. Rory Parker Middle School is pretty darn enormous, not going to lie. It has five huge buildings, filled with tidy class rooms. The five buildings are right next to each other, as if they were glued together. Our school colors are: Navy blue, sunflower yellow, and a snowy-white. Our mascot is an ambitious, ferocious, and determined chief, that has all of the wonderful school colors.

Some days, school can be my worst opponent, and other days, school can just be a light breeze passing by. Every so often, school is just a vast area of judgemental children who can pick on you and not even notice the destruction they just committed. You see, the thing about human beings is that we all just do and say without a grain of thought. Our world is a complete, terrible mess, especially my school. And the terrible thing is that I have school tommorow.

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