Chapter 4

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My mom was waiting for me in the parking lot, in the car. She waved at me crazily, like she hadn't seen me in years. I wave back awardly. Once I reach the car, I sit down and feel exhausted and worn out.

“So, how was today?” she asks with full attention.

“Okay. I need some sleep. Lets go home. Please.” I respond.

She nods, and we get home in less than 14 minutes. Our home is a peachy color, I think it looks truly appealing. It reminds me of a light sunset on a gorgeous beach. My mom and I exit the car and close the doors. We walk through our short walkway to the door. My mom reaches for her keys in her fancy periwinkle colored purse. Her hand finds it, and she opens the door to our house. Inside, I head straight toward my room, ignoring everything around me. I open my door, and collapse on my aqua bed. My eyes close sluggishly, and everything goes quiet.

And then, thats when it happened.


I find myself lying on lime green pavement. I look around, bewildered. My mind is whirling around, wondering where I am. Around me, are dazzling and vibrant plants, of every size and hue. Wasn’t I just sleeping? I ask myself. I keep examining everything, while lying on the stiff pavement. Then, I see it. A gargantuan vermilion colored sign, but it is too far away for me to read what is announces. I step up from the neon pavement. My knee is injured, due to me falling down. It really hurts, and I can’t do anything about it, so I try my best to neglect it. I start walking toward the sign, while glancing at the wild flowers and extraordinary plants.

When I reach the sign, it reads:

“Welcome to Musiclandia. Please enjoy your limited time stay.”

“What?!” I yell out loud. I am more puzzled than ever.

If it is a limited time stay….Then that means...They’ll prob-prob-probably k-k-k-kill me! I thought. My heart dropped.

I look around trying to look for a way out of this strange place, but I didn’t find one. I’m doomed. I think to myself. I actually really am. I am unfortunately lost in a astonishing yet unusual place called “Musiclandia”. What type of name is that? I looked around my surroundings, twirling in nonstop circles, trying to find something to get me the heck out of here! I hear a very squeaky voice from a distance.

“Hey you! Yeah, you! Welcome to musiclandia!”

“Huh?!” I look around, trying to find where the voice came from.

“Over here, silly!” the high toned voice called.

I try looking everywhere, but I don’t see any sign of a human.

“Are you serious? I’m right HERE!” the voice yelled.

I look right below me, because it seemed like it was coming from there. I see a silver flute just laying there in the soft grass. What the? I thought. The flute appeared to have a mouth. Yes. A human mouth. It moved up and down.

“What-What-Who are you? What am I doing here? Are they going to kill me? Why is a flute talking?!” I start panicking.

“Calm down, wanderer. Relax. Nobody is going to do anything to you. The only reason you are here in MusicLandia is because you have a passion for music. Only passionate musicians are allowed to come here. You are in a dream, but a very vivid one. Here in Musiclandia, you will be surprised at what will happen. Just take a look around, and you’ll see.” the high pitched mini flute saids.

But I’m still not relaxed. Of course not. I’m in a middle of a freaking field of talking instruments and I’m not even sure if I’m going to be alive by the next hour! The flute then disappears, like magic.

I’m left hanging there. I start walking around, looking at everything I see. I get a bit tiresome and lay down in a humongous tree. Wait. This is not a tree. It appears to be a beautiful cello, with bright green puffy hair, making it look like a tree. Within a minute of laying down on it, I hear a deep voice call out: “Hey! What do you think you're doing! Get off of me, you dirtbag!”

“Huh? What?” The voice seems to be coming from the massive chocolate-colored cello with bright green puffy hair.

“I said-Get off of me! Now!” the cello starts shouting. It has a mouth!

“Well someone’s grumpy today, huh?!” I yell back while standing up.

“No, its just rude for some stranger to be laying on me.” he says.

“My name is Robinson The Cello. Today, I shall teach you how to play me, like a professional.” he tells me.

“What? I’m not even sure why I’m here!” I say loudly.

The cello starts moving. But not just moving. It is walking! With his little tiny black feet, toward me. Once it was right in front of me, a wooden chair pops out of no where, and the cello demands me to sit. I sit, because there’s nothing else to do.

Suddenly, a sapphire colored gas spreads around from the cello to my hands, and my hands start plucking on the cello’s strings, producing an excellent tone quality. Once I got the hang of the strings, I started playing music out of no where. The music sounded very advanced and difficult to learn. My ears were in pure pleasure. I just learned how to play a cello! I think to myself. After a while, I stopped plucking and the cello sighed deeply.

“What a practice session, right mate?” Robinson asked.

“Oh yeah. Definitely.” I respond. I look at my fingers, which are burning red and full with sweat.

“Well, you better go on now, before your mom wakes you up. Go ahead and run around and learn more instruments!” he demands.

I nod and smile, noticing how much I just learned.

Maybe Musiclandia isn’t as bad as I thought.

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