Chapter 2

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Before I knew it, I was driving to Sabrina's house, about to get ready.  I don't know what to expect, knowing Sabrina she'll make me look ugly.  I sigh and pull up in her driveway.   Ding dong!  I wait a few minutes after ringing the bell.

"Come in!" I hear her call from inside, I hesitantly turn the handle and walk in.  I've been to Sabrina's house before --many times actually-- but I still can't get over how rich she is.  I took a lucky guess and assumed that she was in the washroom getting ready.  I knocked slightly before I opened the door.  Sabrina was busy applying a lot of foundation all over her face and neck.

"Remember only two item!" She tells me, I was relieved, she was actually letting me do my own makeup.  I don't argue and grab a concealer and a black eyeliner out of the make up kit, I NEED these things.  I apply the concealer under my eyes and on my eyelids, then run the pencil liner over my water line.  Sabrina looks over to me.

"You look too pretty!"  I panic, normally when she says that, she wants me to take my make up off, and I was NOT about to do that.  I think of something to say quickly.

"Are you kidding me!  You look WAY prettier than me!  The guys wont even take a glance at me!"  I see her expression relax, and I know I won.

"You're right, I mean, you look like a pile of potatoes compared to me."  I just keep my sick smile plastered on my face.

We take my car, I drive of course, a princess can NEVER drive the car.  She turns on the radio.

"OH MY GOD! THIS IS THEM"  She screams.

"This is who?" I ask calmly.  She just looks at me, jaw dropped.

"The band we're are going to see?  MARIANAS TRENCH?"  I nod and just listened.

Stutter, Stutter, Stutter

Did did d-d-d-did I?

I continue listening to the music, secretly tapping my foot.  I turn to face Sabrina once we reach a red light.

"It seems to... pop-ish?"  I didn't know much about music, but I know the genre Sabrina listened to is "pop".

"Their older stuff is more Punk/Rock.  You'd probably like it better.  But once you get to know the boys' personality, you enjoy their music more."  I just nod slightly and turn my attention to the road.


As soon as we reach the theater, Sabrina drags me over to a group of "cute" boys.  I just fin them fake, and REALLY unattractive.  I don't know, maybe I'm a lesbian, but I don't like girls that way either.  I guess I'm just forever alone.  I feel Sabrina grab my hand once again. 

"Come on! They're about to start!"  She drags me through the crowd, all the way to the front.

"What's up tenchers of VANCOUVER!" I hear someone scream through a microphone.  I look up to see a tall guy, wearing skinny jeans, button down shirt, and a tie.  Okay, HE was cute.  The whole crowd erupts.  I am amazed by the fans the group has.  

"So, I'm going to start off with a story."  The crowd screams again.  So people actually like the GUY, not just his music?  That's actually kind  He goes on to tell a story about how his mom tries to get a hold of him and  puts her email address into the search bar on the browser.  I didn't really get it, but Sabrina explained to me later.  When everybody said "aww" about his mom getting worried.  He did a little curtsy type of thing and replied with "I know"  In a very --if I do say so myself-- cute voice.  He seemed to have a nice personality, not like how I imagined it.  

"So enough of my rambling, lets get on with a song called 'Haven't had enough'"  The crowd goes wild as they sing along with every word he sings.  It was amazing really.  He tells us he going to sing a song that's very difficult to sing, it's called lover dearest.  There was a quiet clap before he goes and sits in front of the keyboard and begins to play.  I could almost feel the emotion just pouring out of him.  What even more amazing is how no one said anything, the were just taking in the lyrics, some people had their eyes closed, some even tearing up, and they weren't the only ones.  Once the song was done, everyone cheered very loudly.  He gives a bitter sweet smile as he looks to the crowd, I swore I saw a tear roll down his cheek.  


As soon as they said goodbye and thank you, Sabrina dragged me over to the side door.  

"Sabrina!  What are you doing?"  I ask.

"Getting us back stage dummy!"  She said matter-o-factly.  I try to argue, but she stands strong.  As soon as a security guard starts talking to somebody, she grabs my hand and slips back stage.

"Hey!  What do you think you're doing!?"  We hear from behind us, we assumed it was rhetorical and kept running, we turned a few corners to loose him, but we stopped dead when we came across four boys, staring at us.  I was about to say "I'm sorry", but Sabrina took this chance to flirt.  

"Hey!"  said a dude with a mohawk, "are you that slutty chick who flirted with every guy here?"  I bit my bottom lip to stop myself from laughing.  Sabrina looked slightly offended.  

"I am NOT slutty!  Right Kat?"  She turns to me.

"No, no not at all."  I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.  The blue haired dude almost spits out his coke zero.  She continues to talk, oblivious to my obvious sarcasm.  I look over at the blue haired dude and his signals me to follow him.  I point to me, making sure that who he was actually talking to.  He nodded.  So I follow him out of the room.  He keeps on walking once he shuts the door, so I assumed he wanted me to keep following him.  He leads me to the stage.  I just stand in awe.  He reaches his hand out, I just stare at him.  I realized that he's waiting for me to hold it, or at least say something.

"Okay, I get that you're pretty famous and stuff, but I don't even know who you are, let alone your name."  He just raises his eye brows and drops his hand.

"You don't know my name?"  He asks  I shake my head.

"I don't have cable or Internet, so I don't know any singers, my frien-" I stop and correct myself, "she dragged me here because she had two tickets."

"Fine, if you don't want to hold my hand, then just follow me."  He walks over to the mic.  I walk over to stand beside him.  He looks at me "now sing!"  I just start laughing.  He stares at me.

"I-I'm sorry!" I laugh "But I really don't know ANY songs"  I state.  

"Well then I'll teach you a song!"  He smiles at me.  I nod and grab the mic,  my sleeve slips down to reveal something no one has seen before, and I would've liked to keep it that way.  He looks at me with an almost empathetic look, but that's impossible, he's to happy.  I drop my hand and scream at him. 

"I don't need your pity!"  I run back to the direction we came from, throw my car keys at Sabrina and run out.  I just keep running.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2013 ⏰

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