A Punk Christmas Caroler

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              It was a Monday. I hated Mondays. I was sitting at my kitchen counter, doing my Spanish homework, although, does anyone who's home alone actually do their homework? I was home alone because my dad was at work and my mom was grocery shopping. My mind drifted off, and I started thinking about my friends.
            I never really "fit in" with any particular group. My friends were not nerdy, just smart. We all just sorta stuck together, cause we didn't have anywhere else to go. There was Alicia, who was super sporty but also really smart. There was Caitlyn, who was really into Drama. There was Katy, who kept our little group with the trends. There was Denise and Olive, they didn't really talk much. Johanna the cheerleader, who was hated by everyone because she made the horrible choice to leave the table of popular girls.
            I decided I should get to my Spanish before my parents got home and murdered me for not doing my homework. What was the word for daring....? Oh, atrevida. As I was writing that down, a knock on my door startled me. 
           A girl was standing at my door. She had long blonde hair, that was purple at the tips. She was wearing black leggings and a dress that was silver. It had small, sharp pieces of metal on the bottom. Sort of like a weird fringe. Two metal bands wrapped themselves around her arms. She was wearing a black choker necklace. Her eyes were heavily eye-lined. And she had dark eyeshadow on. What stood out against her gothic attire was her cherry red lipstick. She peeked inside the tiny window we had on our door.
        I just went back to my homework. I turned to see if she had left, she hadn't. She was still standing at my door. Maybe she was like, a punk Christmas caroler or something. I shooed her away. "I don't want to hear you sing. Come later." I said, hoping she could read my lips. She looked away, I think she got the message. Then, I heard a click.
       My door had swung open. My breathing sped up. 
       Calm down, Larabelle, breathe. 
       I got up and started waking towards my utensil cabinet.
Just a few more steps. I reached out. My hand closed around the handle. I pulled it open, grabbed a knife and wheeled around to face my attacker.
     "I don't want to hurt you." She said.    
     "Yeah? Then why'd you break into my house?! Leave and I'll put this knife down. I'm not afraid to use this." I said pointing the knife at her. 
     "You can't use that on me." She said with a smirk, her cherry lips curling upward. 
    "Uh, yeah I can. And I will." Was my amazing comeback. Suddenly, the knife blade looked like it was melting. It turned itself into the harmless shape of a sphere.
       "Wha- How?" This was bad. I knew I couldn't beat her with a weapon. I'd have to outsmart her. I looked around. 
      "Do you know your element?" She asked me. My element? What the hell was she talking about? In my head, I did my best to formulate a plan. I counted myself down. I bolted for the oven. I leaned myself against it.
         She ran for me. She would hit me in 5,4,3,2,1, NOW!
She skidded to a halt right in front of me just as I turned on the flame.        "I told you I don't want to hurt you, Larabelle. I'm Stephanie Jacobs." How did she know my name? Who the hell was this girl? "I'm just trying to bring you somewhere more... fitting." She looked around my small house with disgust. 
         My family had never had much money, but we were happy with what we had. 
       "Don't insult my house." I said, my voice full of anger.
       "Woah, chill." She said. "Just tell me your element so I can bring you to the Hall." I was still in the dark about that. I tried to punch her, but my arm wouldn't move. It was stuck to the oven. The metal had welded itself around my arms, making some handcuffs. But I could feel a flaw in my right one... I couldn't let her know that though.             "What are you?" I asked. I needed to get her talking so I could wiggle myself out of the cuffs. "I'm a technocontroller! Obviously." She said this like I totally would know what this was. "Of course! Duh!" I said. I felt a bit of sweat trickle down my neck. I realized the flame was still on. Uh oh.
Just then, POP, my hand slipped out of the cuff. Unfortunately, it landed in the flame. Wait... IT LANDED IN THE FLAME!!!??? I got ready for excruciating pain. But it didn't burn. Not even a little. Was this what being burnt was supposed to feel like? Because it had never happened to me before. This was my first time, and I felt fine. Here comes the weird part! I lifted my hand out of the flame, and I was holding a fireball. I felt like Regina from Once Upon a Time. I swished my hand around, accidentally letting the fireball loose. I watched, in horror, as it hit Stephanie.

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