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Oh shoot. No no no no no. I'd like to say I did something really heroic, but I just screamed. Just screamed as I fell from the sky. I saw us crashing, falling into the Earth. Stupidly, I put my hands out. Amazingly, the earth softened and sort of cushioned or fall. Nothing broke. No booms. No dead people. Just Stephanie, me, a bruise on my knee and the ship in the earth. The earth slowly pushed us back up until the ship was standing. My hands were shaking and I felt like I was gonna puke, but I summoned some water and poured it on Stephanie. She immediately jumped up. "Hey!" She yelled, panicked. "Oh my god. Ohhhhhh no. Are we... dead?" She asked. I gave a weak laugh. "No. Actually, the ship dropped. Then the ground cushioned us, and we didn't die." I said. I swayed on my feet. "Hey, are you ok?" She asked. "You're really pale." I tried to answer but I just, didn't. The world turned side ways, and the ground rushed up to meet me.
I woke up in the bed on the ship. "Oh yay! You're up!" Stephanie exclaimed. "Yeah." I said. "What exactly happened?" I asked. She shrugged. "I don't really know, but, did you do any elecontroller stuff to save the ship?" I had thought about it. Maybe, the earth softening was my doing. No, it couldn't be. Could it? "Well, the Earth cushioned our fall when I put my hands out. But that couldn't have been me. I wasn't even trying." Stephanie groaned. "Noooooooo. It can't be. But that would explain why you were so tired after the ship fell... But no, it's not possible..." she drifted off, having an argument with herself. "Hello? Earth to Stephanie?" I said, waving my hand in front of her face. "Sorry." She said. BEEP BEEP BEEP. "Ummmm, what was that?" I asked. "Well, we're 10 minutes away from Unicornlandia." She said smiling. I laughed. "Is that a real thing?" She laughed. "No. We're 10, wait, 8 minutes away from the Realm of the Controllers."
Just a short thing for a certain girl who's obsessed with this story.

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