Girls before guys? Not that simple.

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We're here. In the Realm of the Controllers. Stephanie made the ship land on a giant landing pad. There were a couple of other ships there. Stephanie grabbed her bag and stepped out of the ship. I followed her. Oh my god.
  There was a main entrance that looked like a giant gate split down the middle. One side was made out of metal and covered with gold and silver embellishments. From what I could see, there was a huge city and a giant metal castle in the center. It reminded me of NYC.
  The other entrance was made out of wood. It was covered in beautiful pink flowers. Inside looked like a town. Small cottage looking houses, and a cream colored mansion in the center. There were little things waterfalls and lakes. Tons of flowers. It was so pretty. Stephanie took my hand and dragged me toward the metal side.
  As we approached, I heard a click. "Stephanie, what was that click?" I asked. "That was the gate sealing itself. Let me open it." With a twist of her hand, there was another click and the gate opened. A small little girl with bleach blonde hair and grey eyes came running out. She looked like Stephanie without the purple streak and her hair was lighter. "Sissy!!" She called. "Hi Sam!" Stephanie yelled. The little girl, Sam, ran up and hugged Stephanie. "Larabelle, this is my little sister, Samantha." Samantha ran over and hugged me. "Oh, uh, hi. I'm Larabelle." She giggled. "Does Lara get to come home with us?" Sam asked. "Well, sort of. She's going to Hemial Hall. To train." Sam looked down. "Oh." She said, her face falling. "Come on! I'll bring you too my house first so you can meet my parents." She grabbed my hand and led me into the city. All of a sudden, I heard someone yell, "HEY!"
  I whipped around. Unwillingly, a small burst of fire appeared in my hand. A boy ran over. He had red hair and golden eyes. He was skinny and was a little nerdy looking. But he was cute. "You're an elecontroller." He said. "Yeah, I am." I put out my fire. "So why are you going into the technocontroller territory?" He asked. "What? Am I doing something wrong?" I looked back at Stephanie and her sister. Then back at the boy. "Yeah, you're going with them. Elecontrollers stay on this side. Technocontrollers stay on the other side." I was so confused. "But Stephanie was going to take me to Hemial Hall. So I can be trained." He glared at Stephanie. Stephanie cursed to herself. "No. You should come with me. I'll take you to the Ele House. You'll be trained to be an elecontroller, not a technocontroller. You're not even legally allowed to be in technocontroller territory. Come with me." He said. "NO!" Stephanie yelled. "He's lying. It doesn't matter what you are. Trust me, you're needed here. Don't trust that stupid elecontroller!" She gasped. "No no no no no. That's not what I meant. I-" I glared at her. "I think I know what you meant. You were trying to bring me away from my rightful place! Why, because I'm not normal? Because I'm... A stupid elecontroller?" Sam grabbed onto her sister. I now realized that the earth was cracking. My hands were on fire. The boy grabbed my first hand. I felt his hand light up. "Come on, come where you rightfully belong." I nodded and he led me into the Elecontroller gate, and away from Stephanie.
  "So... Welcome to the Elecontroller world. I'm Liam Hendrix. I'm a fire controller. What are you?" I shook my head. "I don't really know." He smiled. "It's ok. My friend, Carlos, he's like you. His parents sent him to the human world to keep him safe. He didn't come until he was eight. He had no idea what he was." I smiled back. "So... you're taking me to the Ele House?" Liam nodded. "It's great. The head of our world, Master Earl, runs it. He appointed the new Four. Serafina, she trains the fire controllers. Sky runs the air controllers. Darcy runs the water controllers. And Vincent runs the earth controllers. You'll be assigned to a dorm with a roommate once we find your power. Then, you'll begin training. You'll learn to harness your power, how to use it. And, maybe, we can find your family. What's your last name?" My head was spinning. "Orland." I managed. "I have a question, what are we training for?" He looked down. "I, uh, would rather have Master Earl tell you that. At your search." He saw the confusion on my face. "That's how we find your power." I nodded. "Until we find your power, you'll stay in Little Home. It's where the people who don't have a power or a family go. You'll be with a bunch of other elecontrollers. Most of them are like you, raised in the human world. Come on! We're almost to the Ele House." Liam dragged my hand and pulled me along.
Looming in front of me was a giant wooden house.

    Looming in front of me was a giant wooden house

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We climbed a staircase to a door. A man was sitting on a big, orange, beanbag chair. "Hello Liam. And who are you, young girl?" The man had a white beard and deep green eyes. He reminded me of Dumbledore from Harry Potter. "I'm Larabelle. A technocontroller brought me here, then Liam brought me and told me that I should come here." The man, Master Earl, smiled. "Well then, Liam will bring you to Little Home, and tomorrow we can try to find what you control." I faked a smile. "Thanks." I said. I remembered that Stephanie had said that elecontrollers could only control one element. What would he do when he found out could control more?
Ta da! Please review! And vote. Kinda cliffy... idk. Glad you probably liked it!

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