A Little Bit of Backround Info

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The fate of my life was in a girl who just erased my entire existence. Peachy! (MAGGIE) I sat in my chair, awkwardly as usual, and looked outside the window. Oh wait. There's no window. After a few minutes, the silence got too annoying so I said, "So! Mind telling me a bit about this magical place I'm supposed to live in? Or... maybe why I wasn't there in the first place?" Stephanie turned around. "Sure. So... it's called the Realm of the Controllers. It was born millions of years ago when a group of people living in the Powerless Realm (human world) were not just geniuses, they were unable to be mentally challenged so, their brains figured out ways to manipulate gravity and cause things to move. Eventually, with a little help from a witch called Stargaveda, their smarts turned into magic. Everyone in the Realm of the Controllers is descended from them. The technocontrollers are descended from Barzillai. He had pale skin and light blonde hair, gray eyes. The fire controllers are from Aithne, she had red hair and she golden eyes. The water controllers are from Naiadalla. She had dark brown hair and blue/green eyes. The air controllers are from Sameer. He had dirty blonde hair and pale eyes. The earth controllers are from Odanodaniel. He had brown hair and green eyes. Usually, you look like the person your descended from." She finished. "But, what about my real mom and dad? Who are they? And why am I here in the human world instead of the Realm of the Controllers?" I asked. She looked down. "It could be one of two things. One, they could've sent you to this world to protect you. You see, there's a war going on right now. And your parents may have sent you here to protect you from the violence and the fighting. Number two, maybe your parents sent you here because they were powerless. Powerless means that they were born with no magic. The government well, they don't like people with no magic. They, well, they dispose of people like that. So, your parents also could've sent you here because they didn't want to you without them in the war." Stephanie turned back around and concentrated harder on the ship. All of the sudden, I felt tears in my eyes. Why was I crying? I tried to hold them back, but in one son, they started streaming down my face. Stephanie looked at me. She got up and walked over. "Hey," she said and sat down. "I'm sorry, I don't know why I'm crying." I said. "Chill, its fine. I know it's a lot to take in, that's why." Stephanie said. I nodded. I guess she was right. She did kinda just flip my idea of reality. I thought people with special powers only existed in books. I got a hold of myself. Sh pressed a button and the chair extended into a bed. It scared me and my finger sent off a little spark. I caused a small orb of water to appear and douse it. Stephanie was looking at me strangely. "What? I thought everyone could do magic where I came from?" I asked, confused. Stephanie shook her head. "Elecontrollers can only control one element. You just made water and fire. That's... unheard of. She walked away worriedly and I felt ship move a little faster. After a bit of hard thinking (staring into space) I fell asleep.
"Ship!" A yell woke me up. I jumped out of the bed. Stephanie was furiously waving her hands. Her eyes were closed. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Earthairyerl! Border patrol!" The ship lurched to the side. "Woah!" I yelled. "What's an earthairyerl?" She opened her eyes to look at me. "A monster. And big one at that." She closed her eyes again and the ship kept moving. "Is there anything I can do?" I asked. I wanted to help. "Go into the bottom hatch of the ship. Man the cannons. It's in your blood. You're Elemental. Go!" She yelled. I looked around for a trap door. Or a hatch. Whatever you call it. I found one on the left side of the room. I ran down the spiral staircase. I saw some buttons and a small window. A window! Then I looked out. Oh.... that's what an earthairyerl is. It was made out of dirt and grass. It had white "eyes", they were holes filled with swirling wind that was going so fast it was white. It was sitting inside a tornado looking thing. I shot at it with the cannon. Or, at least I think I did. I just pressed the red button. I saw a flying metal bullet hit the monster's cloud. RAAAAAAAARW! I jumped up. The ship zoomed around the monster and we sped up. "HOLD ON!!!" Stephanie yelled from upstairs. To what? I grabbed into the control panel. Everything started to shake. My light brown hair was pulled back by the gravity. All of the sudden, the ship  zoomed forward and stopped. I ran upstairs. Stephanie was out cold. With a sinking feeling of realization, the ship dropped.

Aaaaaaaaaaand CUT! Ok so pretty cliffy, maybe I am taking after Uncle Rick. 😏 So... hope you enjoy! Please vote and comment or review or whatever you call it. I forget. Byeeeee! 🔱🔱🔱

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