Well, there goes a normal life

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"Oh my god!" I shrieked. I had just thrown a fireball at a 14 year old girl. (Guessing she was 14) I tried to get to the sink to get water on her. But my other arm was still handcuffed to the burning stove. I yanked at the metal but it wouldn't move. Meanwhile, Stephanie was screaming. As I reached out to grab the faucet, a single drop fell from it and landed in my hand. Great, I thought, a single drop of water. But when I pulled my hand back, something weird happened. The tiny drop of water in my hand grew. Within seconds it was a small orb. I don't know why, but something told me that I was making it grow. "GET BIGGER!" I yelled at the orb. It enlarged until it was bigger than my head. I shoved it at Stephanie.
It hit her and immediately, the flames went out. She sat on my floor gasping. I ran over to her. "I-I'm so sorry. I have no idea what happened." She shook her head. "My bag." She said. "What?" She pointed to the door. "It's on the steps." I ran to my front door and there it was. A black leather cross body bag. I picked it up and brought it inside. She grabbed it. She pressed a small metal button and a series of clicks came from the bag. The top of the bag popped open. She pulled a plastic baggie out. It's was full of grayish-blue crackers. "What are those?" I asked. She didn't answer, instead she just ate one. The burn marks on her arms went away, her charred hair went back to normal, she looked like she'd just come from a salon. "What are those?" I asked again. "Kraftaverkalyf." Stephanie answered. "Craft what?" She laughed. "There a special healing food. Extremely hard to come by. Made by the only living son of a technocontroller and an elecontroller." I shook my head. "What the heck is an technocontroller and an elecontroller?" She looked at me like I had three heads. "You don't know anything?" I just stared at her. "Listen, all I know is that you showed up at my house, and you can control metal, and I can make fireballs and water orbs. Which I didn't know I could do before. So, sorry if I'm not very well informed. Also, WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU STILL DOING IN MY HOUSE?!" I yelled. For some reason, I had forgotten that she was a total intruder and stranger. "What do you think?" She said. "I need to recruit you. I need to bring you to Hemial Hall, where you will be trained with people like you." Now, I wasn't a total idiot. I wasn't gonna pull the classic, 'People like me? What do you mean?' I knew she meant people who could control fire and water, or possibly other elements. When I get really mad, sometimes things shake. Or when I'm happy, occasionally I float. My parents always never seemed to notice. They would just carry on is at nothing was happening. "Ok. Why not?" I said. "So... does that mean your going to come with me?" She said. I laughed. "Are you serious? I don't even know who you are! And what about my parents? Do you think they'd just forget I was here?" She nodded. "Actually, they would. You see, this house your family, your friends, they're all fake. They were put here in this world so that you could live a somewhat normal life until you figured out your power. Or, powers in your case. Oh! I forgot." She reached into her bag and pulled out a small remote with a single button. It looked like the kinda thing that would set off a bomb in a movie. "What's that?" I asked. She pressed the button. My house disappeared. My parents car, gone. Where we were standing was just a forest. "Holy Hera what did you just do?!" I yelled. Stephanie tilted her head. "Who's Hera?" I smiled. "It's a dam Percy Jackson thing." I said. She shook her head like I was crazy. "So... are you ready to go? I erased all traces of your existence from the nore world, so don't worry about your parents or anything." I shook my head. "What's a nore?" I asked. "Someone with no powers." She answered. I nodded. "Listen, I'm sorry. The way I kinda broke into your house, and erased your life." I laughed. "It's just a little hard to believe. I mean me, I'm nobody. The only thing I could ever do was play the guitar. And now you're telling me that I can... control elements?" I let out a nervous laugh. She put her hand on my shoulder. "I know. I mean, not really. Both of my parents were technocontrollers. But I need you to come with me. I mean, it's not like you really have another option. My flyer is over here." She started walking into the woods. I sighed. Don't go, my mind said. I followed Stephanie into the woods.
I saw a huge metal looking pod. A small door opened on the side. White smoke billowed out. It reminded me of Star Wars, when Darth Vader walked out of an Imperial ship and the smoke came out the sides. "Cool smoke." I said. She blushed. "Thanks. I just thought it added a cool effect." I laughed. I hopped into her "flyer." I think that's what she had called it. A flyer. There were a couple of comfy, red, velvet chairs. I sat on one. "Ready to go Larabelle?" Stephanie asked. I nodded. She took a deep breath. She closed her eyes. Her hands started shaking. I noticed that there were no controllers to make it move. All of the sudden, the flyer lifted off the ground. I heard some kind of whirring sound and it shot off into the sky. Then I realized something, Stephanie was making this fly.

Ok, so no cliffhangers, I'm not Rick Riordan. Please vote and comment! Love you all ❤️

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