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Hey everyone!! I don't have much to say except, ENJOY!

I woke up in an imfirmary room, with Chantal and Adym by my bedside. Adym was still in the clothes he wore the day of the duel, and Chantal was in jeans and a t- shirt. Her thick hair was coiled in a braid bun, and I noticed she was holding Adym's hand.
"Hi." I said. They both snapped their heads from each other to me. Adym looked at me in a strange way, like I was a new person he'd never met before. Chantal was just smiling.
"Hey Larabelle, how do you feel?" Adym asked. I had a small headache, but nothing major. I shrugged, "Fine." He nodded slowly, then asked Chantal to politely leave the room so we could have "a word." Now, if I'd ever learned something from the Nore world, "a word" was never good.
"So, Larabelle. I talked to Ridge, the boy in your group." Ridge, so that was Cute Boy's name.
"He told me that your powers are, beyond your years and experience. I mean, lions, actual lions. One is freaking hard, I can't come close to that." I noticed there was a foriegn sharpness to his voice, as he said those last words. "But two, that's, impossible. And Larabelle, they roared. Like, roared. Almost like they were alive. Ridge told me they almost looked alive. Two, practically living, animals out of the earth? It's no wonder you didn't die! You should have died." I snorted. "Glad to know how happy you are that I'm here." He waved me aside.
"There's only one person, who's physically able to do that. That's Master Earl, our leader. You have equal, if not greater power than our leader Larabelle Orland." I looked at him. "What's the big deal? So I'm a little more powerful than the average earth controller. Isn't that good?" He shook his head. "Before I was born, there was a boy. Poxon Adgette. He had your power. They found out that he was the son of an earth controller and a water controller. Now Larabelle, I need you to be completely honest with me. Are your parents mixed?" My heart pounded. My brain kept yelling, HE KNOW HE KNOW HE KNOWS HE KNOWS. I yelled back, SHUT UP.
I took a deep breath and shook my head. "No, no they're not. For all I know, they were both earth controllers." I had another burning question though. "What happened to Poxon Adgette?" Adym took a shaky breath.
"Master Earl eliminated him. He's dead."


The word echoed in my ears on repeat, like a song stuck in your head. I don't know why it scared me so much. I knew that the government did this, Xander had told me. Which reminded me, I needed to formulate a plan. I got out a green and glittery gold striped notebook and pencil, courtesy of Sparrow on our mall trip. I wrote down what I knew.

- technocontroller general

-must be killed by me

-on elecontroller soil

-within 5 days

So far, I was off to a suckish start. I thought about it, and soon I had somewhat of a plan. I would go in costume, buy a blonde wig, dress like a technocontroller and act like one, until I could somewhow lure the general out of his room, wherever that was, and bring him on elecontroller soil, saying that we'd captured yours truly, and kill him then. The question was how to get there and how to get close enough with the General to get him to follow me. Well, I guess I'd have to figure that out after my trip to the Mele for supplies.

After convincing Harley and Chantal that I had a headache and wasn't hungry, I stayed inside my room, and waited for them to leave. I heard the door click shut, and waited ten minutes to give them enough time to teh dining hall. I picked out an easy slip on and off outfit. A loose, flowy green shirt, and a pair of short jean shorts. I pulled my hair up into a bun, for wig purposes. I brought a small, black bag of makeup, cause I saw how much Stephanie wore. I slipped on black converse with light green laces. I walked out of the room, not ready for what was coming.

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