See Ya Later

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Hey! So..... THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER! I know I know, so sad, but you'll get over it. Enjoy!

The sun was beginning to rise. In Hemial Hall, we had real windows instead of the projection ones we had in the Earthen. Stephanie slept silently next to me. That was something I didn't like about the rooms. Each, I don't know what you call it, 'dorm' was only one room. It was all modern looking with fancy screens everywhere that I have NO clue what they do. Stephanie does though.
I was already dressed in a dress I borrowed from Stephanie. It's to small on her so I figured it would fit me. I did my makeup and my wig was secured. The curled blonde hair fell around my shoulders and tickled my neck, which looked adorable, but felt annoying. I had my first crash course lesson yesterday, which was exhausting. The air powers, which was what I used most, took way more energy out of me than the other three elements.
Stephanie stirred beside me. I looked at her purple tipped hair spread around her face. She was pretty, in a goth way. She suddenly launched up next to me and shot two metal bullets into the wall. I yelped and jumped back. She looked around wildly, fear in her eyes. Then she looked into my eyes and she calmed down. She sighed and brought her metal bullets out of the wall and onto her nightstand. I looked at her.
"I'm sorry, it was a nightmare." I nodded. "Do you want to talk about it?" She quickly answered, "no" and began to get dressed. I sighed. I wondered what she was dreaming, or nightmaring, if that was even a word, about.
I figured I should start heading down to my crash course. I called out to Stephanie and told her I was leaving. As I walked down, I thought about my plan. I wanted to wait a day more, because I wanted to be slightly more known to the technocontroller community. I walked down a staircase and closer to the bottom, I felt a rough pair of hands grab me. "Hey!" I yelled. Then they pushed me down the stairs. I gasped as I grabbed my wig, praying it wouldn't fall off. It didn't. I saw two boys on the stairs laughing. I stood up and glared at them.
"Ooooooh, look Watt. We got her mad! Oh boy, I'm shaking." One taunted.
I looked at their clothes and saw that they had tons of metal covering them. I used my air powers to create a suction force that ripped off their metal, and their clothes. As soon as their pants came off with the metal, I brought it over to me and let it drop. "That's for messing with Lar-uh, Denise Potter!" I said and walked into my classroom.
The walls were white, and there were no desks. Just a few beanbag chairs scattered around.Our instructor, who we called Z, was sitting in the front next to a box covered with a table cloth. I sat on a beanbag next to Keya. I'd become friendly with her yesterday. She smiled at me.
"Hey Denise." I sat down.
"Hi Keya. What do you think is in the box?" She shrugged.
"I don't know, maybe new metal pieces to give out?" I nodded.
"Probably something like that." Once all of the class was seated, he sushed us and began speaking.
"Today is a special day. Some of our soldiers captured this last night. They genoursley gave it to us. We will be heading down to the Open to fight it. All ten of you will have a turn. I will grade you. Now, let me introduce Rain." He lifted up the tablecloth, and I gasped. Inside the box was a young water controller boy.
The technocntrollers all clapped. I did too. I needed to ask Z something, but Keya beat me to it. "Z, we don't have to kill him right?" He shook his head. "Please do not kill it, just weaken it." I tried to keep my cool that he was calling him 'it'. The technocontrollers ran up to the cage and looked inside. Rain scooted to the back, fear in his eyes. I felt so terrible for him.
"Technocontrollers, follow me." We all followed Z as he mentally lifted the cage. I kept looking at Rain, as he looked at all of us. His expression had changed from fear, to hardended anger. Z led us into a huge, stone room, tiny windows all along one side, letting in natural light. There were still ElectroLights, tiny balls of light that flew around the ceiling. Stephanie had explained them to me once I had freaked out that there was something flying around the ceiling. He placed Rain's cage in the middle of the room, and we all stood to the side.
"The first one of you to battle it is Carson." A boy in the middle of the line stepped forward. He had long blonde hair tied back in a ponytail. His gray eyes swept over the cage, analyzing, calculating. He walked up to the box.
"May I begin, Z?" his cold, smooth voice asked. Z nodded.
The cage popped open. Rain warily stepped out. He ran his hand along the cage as he walked around to the back. His angry, blue eyes looked at us all. It was silent.
With a defiant yell, Rain sent a massive tidal wave sized wall at Carson. Carson, who'd seemed so strong, screamed as the wave came crashing down on him. The technocontrollers laughed. I joined in. Carson, coughing and sputtering threw a glare at us all before storming out of the room.
"Who's next?" Rain asked with a smirk. Z lifted his list. "Keya." Keya whipped her head twords me with fear in her eyes. "You've got this." I said. She nodded and went out to the floor. I don't know why I said that to her. As her steps echoed across the floor, she nodded her head and four metal bullets latched onto his shirt and dragged him across the room. We all gasped. He was stuck to the wall. He grunted and struggled. She flicked her wrist and all of the ElectroLights flew down abover his head. She squinted at them and they glowed brighter. He yelled as the ElectroLights burned his head. He then threw water balls at them, trying to defuse them. But since they were electric, and water proof, his powers did nothing to them.
"Stop!" Z called. "Don't want to tire it out before everyone's had there shot." Keya released him and put the ElectroLights back up to the ceiling. He dropped to the ground and put some water on his head. Z read out the next name, she went up and fought him, and won. But after that, Rain began getting more energy. He fought almost all of them. Except me, and a boy named Geoff. The last fight seemed to pump him up. His eyes were practically glowing. "Denise." Z called. I stepped up, and I felt something weird in my stomach. Was it nerves? Fear? Guilt? I walked over to him and gave him a sympathetic look. I sent a metal ball at him, he easily dodged. I heard a couple people laughing.
"Come at me. Throw me everything you've got." He smiled evily. "Deal." A tsunami rose up from behind him, and then went down. I quickly ripped off two panels of metal from the side wall. I expanded them with a hot air combination I figured out yesterday. It took all of me to raise them up to the ceiling and hold back the wave. Rain pounded harder. I made the metal rise. The glow in his eyes started to fade. I counted to five. Tire him out a little more so he wouldn't expect what I would throw at him next. Five. I threw a bigger metal ball at him, and it caught him in the stomach. He fell backward, making him lose concentration and the wave dissipated into fine mist. I gently placed the metal panels down onto the ground. I turned around to face the rest of the technocontrollers. Z nodded. I looked back at Rain. He stared angrily at me. I mouthed 'sorry' before sitting back down next to Keya.
Geoff easily won the last fight, Rain was exhausted. Pressing that tsunami into the metal was tiring. After Geoff's victory, Rain was forced back into the cage, despite his screaming and protesting. Z led us back into the classroom. We all sat down in our chairs. I heard Z talking, but I wasn't listening. I was watching Rain, wishing I could communicate with him. I watched as his wet hair dripped and mixed with his silent tears, creating a puddle on the floor. Water. I smiled. I concentrated on the water.
Hello Rain. I wrote. His head snapped up. Look into the class. I'll sneeze. He looked up. I faked a sneeze. He smiled at me. My name is Larabelle Orland. His eyes widened. 'I know who you are.' He mouthed. I looked around, faking that I had no idea who he was talking to. I'm undercover on a mission for Xander. He nodded solemly. And I'm going to help you escape.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2017 ⏰

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