Coach's Free Throw Shot

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Coach Dennis and Ms. Demie started hanging out with each other more often after the championship game. Dennis was very happy that after many years of keeping his love to the coach of the cheering squad, finally, he can show how he deeply love her.

Not only the student athletes were popular around the campus but also, the head coach of the basketball team was the main topic of all teachers in the faculty. Coach Dennis gained a lot of suitors from his colleagues not only because he was the coach of the CDR Kings but mainly for his kind nature and good-looks. Many teachers were always talking about the personal life of Coach Dennis. Sometimes, Demie caught some teachers smirking at her because of her closeness with him.

The players of the basketball team went back to their afternoon trainings and the cheering squad continued their regular meetings and rehearsals every after class. During their practice, the girls sometimes see Coach Dennis looking at Ms. Demie’s which would made her blushed. Dennis couldn’t get hold of himself; he couldn’t stop glancing to the alluring face of his love. “Oh man!!! What am I doing? I love her but why was it that every time I’m near to her, I’m always paralyzed FUDGE!!! I want to be with her but I don’t know what to do!!! I’m so stupid” Dennis scolded himself. “I have to do something. Confidence! Dennis, Confidence! You’ve dated a lot of girls before so what makes Demie different? Get a hold of yourself!” Dennis cut his thoughts when the boys interrupt him. “Hey Coach! You seemed so worried!” Kyle said. “Ahhhh ehhhh Aummmm…. Nothing, don’t worry. Something just came up. Go get some stretching done then after 20 minutes, we’ll start your drills.” Coach Dennis instructed to his players and immediately went to talk to the coaching staff.

After her meeting with the cheerleaders, Demie was on her way home when her thoughts interrupted about her present status with Dennis. She was confused about her relationship with him as well as to her own feelings. She doesn’t know what to do and what to feel. Confused and everything, she immediately went to her room and chose to skip dinner. Lying on her bed, Demie look blankly at the ceiling. Her thoughts drift back and a smile crept on her face. “Arrrrgggghhhh!!! What was going on to me? I don’t know what to do!!!! Am I ready to open my heart again? Oh no!! I’m so confused….. “. She shouted as she realized it was Dennis whom she’s been thinking of.

For the next three days, Demie tried her best to avoid Dennis; this made him worried for it seems so strange. Days passed, and the feeling of worriedness take over Dennis; he yearned to see his love so badly that he even tried to ask some of Demie’s friends about her. But even with this determination he still couldn’t crack the case. If only he knew, how Demie wanted to be with him but she just couldn’t she mustn’t no, not till she sorted out her feeling. Not until she’s sure with her emotions.

On the other hand, both the basketball team and the cheering squad were very worried about their coaches. They all knew that something was wrong on. “Guys, do you have any idea what was going with our coach?” Enzo asked his teammates. “Yeah, he was a bit strange these past few days.” Jeric added. “Whatever it is I think we should just leave it to the coach. He probably has his own reason for not telling us. Let’s just support him. Okay?” their team captain replied. “Yes Capt.!” All of them said in chorus. All of the players went out of their locker room and greeted the cheering squad who just finished their practice. “Hi girls!!!” All of them exclaimed as the girls went to greet them back. “Where was Ms. Demie?” asked Andre as he kissed his lovely girlfriend. “She said she’s not feeling well so she went home early. Uhm by the way I saw Coach Dennis a while ago; he seemed a little down. Is he okay?” Ally asked as she hugged her boyfriend. “To be honest, we really don’t know. We were confused about his actions lately.” Andre confessed to her. Marissa suddenly entered the gym and greeted her friends. “Hi Babe!! How were you? How was your practice?” Marissa asked as she kissed her boyfriend’s cheeks. “I’m okay! I’m just a little bit worried to Sir Dennis.” Jeric replied as he kiss her back. “Yeah, I saw him on his way to the faculty room. He looked like he’s missing someone.”

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