32.) oceanview

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To say that Ruby ran off the plane would be kind of understating it. The closer and closer we got to the ground, the happier Ruby became. She was nearly screaming by the time we landed. She told us excitedly that Regina offered to met us at the baggage claim, and Caspar and I had to almost sprint to keep up with Ruby. Caspar has his phone in is hand, probably texting Maddie. I hold my vlogging camera, not really paying attention to where it's aimed knowing I'll have to cut it out anyways. Regina doesn't like being in videos, similarly to how Ruby used to be.

The black-haired girl is now standing up on her toes, trying to see over everyone to find her friend. Caspar has the best advantage to find her, with his height, but he's currently more interested in his phone than he is in finding Regina.

I catch sight of her bright pink dress before I actually see her face. I don't have to ask if it's her because I know that no one would wear a dress that color except Regina. I point off in the direction I saw her, and Ruby begins pushing through people. I pull our suitcases off before I follow her, pulling Caspar along with me as he continues to text on his phone.

"Regina!" Ruby screams loudly once I catch up with her. She stands in a small tight group of people, everyone looking for someone else. She looks frustrated and upset, but I don't know who she is upset with. "Reg!" Without an answer in return, Regina emerges from the outside of the group. Regina screams out Ruby's name as she grabs her in a tight hug.

In my head, it makes sense that they are best friends. But to see them together is just incredibly strange. They look like polar opposites.

Ruby looks the same as she always does. Messy black hair but sharp, clean green eyes. She's wearing a Marvel t-shirt under one of Caspar's jackets, but I don't think either one of them knows that it's not her jacket. She refused to change into jeans before leaving and is in leggings instead. She's slipped on a pair of flats this morning because she didn't really want to wear anything that would be hard to take off. This was because while she was on the flight, just before she went to sleep, she drew her feet up into the seats and held her shoes while sleeping.

Regina, on the other hand, looks like she has been awake for hours, which I hope she has since it's nearing twelve o'clock. Her short hair is pulled into space buns with stray hairs sticking out everywhere. Her eyes are the same color as Caspar's. She has her glasses on instead of contacts, and it's been a long time since I've seen her wear them. The dress she has on is pure Regina. It's hot pink and ends about mid-thigh with short-sleeves. It shows off quite a bit of cleavage, but that's just Regina. The locket that Caspar gave her a few years ago is hanging around her neck open. The front came off about a year ago, so now the old picture of her and Caspar always shows.

"You look so good, Reg. Have you lost some weight?" Ruby asks, squeezing her best friend's hand tightly. I hook my finger in the pocket of Caspar's jacket, ready to pull Ruby away if a fight happens.

"Ruby!" I scold quietly.

"No, it's okay. I'm trying to, and I have. I became a vegan the minute Ruby stepped out the front door." Regina defends, smiling. From the time I've known Regina, she's always been a bit heavyset, but she was always so confident with her body. She never seemed to have many insecurities, though I guess that's something that she kept between herself and Ruby.

Regina pulls away to hug me tightly.  She squeezes my cheeks together like she always does when I see her. Her acrylic nails slightly dig into my cheeks but not hard enough to hurt me. "You picked a good one, Ruby." She comments, turning my head to look at Ruby.

"Jesus Christ, I feel like I'm meeting your mum." I tell Ruby as Caspar finally finds us.

"You are. I am her mum." Regina jokes before poking at her cousin. "But, like, for real. I'll forbid her from seeing you if you turn into a prick, alright?" She threatens. Before I can retort back, Ruby cuts in.

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