25.) the unhappy girlfriend

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Hey we're outside

I read the text a few times, trying to decide if it's the absolute best option. I glance over at the right side of the bed, which has been left empty and tucked tightly into the corner, still perfectly made.

"Caspar, I'm leaving!" I shout on the stairs, not exactly knowing where the blonde is.

"I'll tell Joe where you are when he comes back. You're going to Brighton, aren't you?" Caspar says, peeking only his head out of his bedroom door.

"Just tell him to answer his goddamn phone." I grumble, grabbing the jacket that Caspar offers me.

"Don't do anything stupid, alright?" He says, trying to sound tough, but he only comes off kind of scared, as if he is scared what Joe and/or Regina would do if something happened to me.

"Conor and Jack will watch me." I say, knowing ultimately that they won't have to. There's no way I'll be able to drink tonight. I'm just trying to get out of the apartment in hopes that it will clear my mind of all the horrible things it's thinking about why Joe is late and hasn't answered my texts for about two hours now. There's also no way I would be able to sleep in that bed by myself.

Joe left for a meeting at around five in the afternoon. It was supposed to be Caspar's meeting with someone for Raucous Productions, but Caspar was too hungover to go, so Joe took his place. He told Caspar and I to not wait for him for dinner, not knowing how long the meeting would actually take. On average, I've noticed that they take roughly two hours. I expected him to text me that he was on his way at around seven, but instead, he texted saying that he was sorry that it was going to take a bit longer. I was okay until about an hour ago. There's no possible way a meeting has ran for four hours. I thought the same exact thing three hours ago. When I texted him, asking if he'd be home soon, all I got in return was 'idk'. That's literally it. Needless to say, Joe Sugg currently has a very unhappy girlfriend.

"What's up, Ruby?" Jack greets, pulling me against him in a hug. "Great shirt to wear on a night out." He voice is full of sarcasm, but I can't actually blame him. I grabbed the first white shirt I found, and it just happened to be my Caspar Lee shirt.

"Thanks for going out with me, guys." I say, smiling up at Conor, waiting for him to ruffle through my hair like he always does.

"No problem, love." The brunette finally answers, moving his hand through my hair. I shake my head and hair out, pulling it into a bun on top of my head.

Throughout the long drive, I sit in the front seat next to Conor while Jack sits forward in the middle seat of the back. The car is never fully quiet. There is always some rap song playing over the speaker and at least two of us are constantly singing along.

I was originally surprised that Jack and Conor were willing to go out. Only yesterday we had all been up super late out at Zoe's bonfire. Jack didn't even get up until four in the afternoon. My hangover wasn't too bad because once I had my melt down in front of Zoe and Caspar, I didn't drink much after that. I only had three, which is not a lot for myself. Both Joe and I just got a tiny bit tipsy, but we didn't drink past that. Caspar, on the other hand, got absolutely wasted, which is probably why he had himself holed up in his room.

"This is a new place you've found?" Jack asks Conor as I fiddle with the choker around my neck. It's the one I got from Caspar for my birthday, and this is actually the first time I've worn it out in public.

"Yeah, it's quite a small place, but it's a lot nicer than most." Conor says, parallel parking across the street from the bar. I pull Caspar's jacket off me to leave in the car for when I get out. Opening up the car door, I step down on to the street. I walk around the back of the car and join up with the boys on the sidewalk.

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