14.) snuggles for eternity

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Ruby is slowly turning into Caspar. She sleeps almost all the time now. It's currently two in the afternoon on a Sunday, and she still hasn't woken up. She didn't have any nightmares last night which was great, but she always sleeps better and later when she doesn't have one.

I peep inside her room, making sure that she is still okay. I'm surprised to see her upside down in bed with her feet almost on top of her headboard. "Ruby?" I say quietly. I'm kind of indifferent about waking her up. I don't really need to, I guess, but no one should still be sleeping at two o'clock.

She moves her feet a bit but doesn't fully wake up. "Hey, gorgeous." I nudge her shoulder, causing her to make a sound. "It's two o'clock, babe." Her head rolls over to face me.

"I don't fucking care." She mutters, rolling away from my touch. Now, I'm always kind of worried about Ruby when she's sleeping or just waking up. I don't know what she has gone through in the past - almost - twelve hours. But Ruby has never pushed me away, except for the first night she was here.

"Are you okay?" I ask, squatting beside the bed to look at her eye to eye. She has a small frown on her face as she rolls on to her back.

"Well, I mean, despite the fact that my ovaries are actually making me feel like shit, I'm fantastic." She answers before groaning. "But, I'll be fine." Periods are just a normal thing that I've been around for nearly my whole life because of Zoe. It's not a big shocker for me anymore as I hear Ruby swearing as she pulls herself out of the bed.

"Do you need anything?" I ask her as she places a hand on my shoulder for support as she pulls her socks off. It's so weird that people can sleep in socks. Caspar can and so can Ruby apparently. I thought maybe it was just a South African thing, but people actually do that.

"No, I've been prepared since I've been here. That's literally the first thing I bought when I came over here." The younger girl says before making her way to my bathroom.

When I make my way up the stairs, Caspar waves me over to the kitchen. "Is Ruby alright?" He asks, throwing away an empty container of ice cream. "She raided the fridge at almost five in the morning."

"I think she's alright. It's just her time of the month." I respond, taking the bottle he offers me.

"You're the boyfriend, you get to deal with it." The blonde says, closing the fridge door.

"I don't think there is much to deal with. She seems okay, for the most part."

Ruby comes up the stairs in her pajamas, holding a bottle of pills in one hand and one of Caspar's pillows in the other. I watch as she makes her way to the couch, throws down the pillow and lays on top of it. With the pillow folded, she looks very uncomfortable with her hips raised above her head. "Can I help you?" She ask, grabbing the remote control from the coffee table.

"Just making sure you're okay." I tell her as Caspar grabs his keys. "Where are you going?" I mutter just loud enough for him to hear.

"To hang out with Josh. Ruby scares me like that." He says before exiting our flat. I look back over to Ruby on the couch.

"Are you sure you don't need anything?" I ask her again as I begin walking towards the couch. She squishes herself against the back of the sofa and pats the little bit of space on the seat. I sit down by her feet and place my own by her head.

"There's nothing but shit on TV. Is there ever anything good on British TV?" She says, leaning up so she can see me. Well, Ruby definitely swears more during her period. Before I can answer, she begins talking again. "Regina texted me last night and asked if we were still synced, and I didn't think we were. Turns out we actually are."

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