5.) rehab

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I'm woken up by the soft strumming of a guitar, and it's honestly one of the best ways I've ever been awakened. I open my eyes and roll over. Sitting in the desk chair in the corner is Joe. His shirt is slightly baggy and hangs loose around his neck. His hair is tucked tightly under a red Snapback. There's an acoustic guitar across his lap, while his feet rest on the corner of the bed.

"Why am I in your bed?" I yawn, kicking aside the sheet on top of me. I lean up on to my elbows, but never finish actually getting out of bed. Joe continues to play the guitar for a short moment, before looking at me on his bed.

"You fell asleep there last night." He answers. He plays a quick riff before sitting the guitar down on the ground beside him.

Then I remember yesterday. I got to meet one of the only people I ever wanted to meet. Joe showed Alfie the drawings, and they uncovered the one I've been tempted to rip into a hundred pieces but continue to refuse. Zoe and Alfie were around for a long time because of filming and around eleven o'clock, I retreated to Joe's room to work on the drawing of Jack, while Joe and Alfie played Fifa. I would have gone to my room, but Zoe and Caspar were still inside.

"I just let you stay there instead of waking you up. I took the couch, and Caspar slept... well, he's sleeping in his bed." The brunette finishes, standing up from the chair. I sit up further and look around the room for my sketchbook. I find it on one of Joe's beside tables, my pencils and eraser on top.

"You could've shoved me out. I would've been okay with it." I respond, pulling myself off the bed. "Caspar's still sleeping, right?"

"Yeah. But, he needs to be up in a few hours. Oli's coming round to get him for holiday." Joe says. I make my way around the bed to the bathroom where I brush my teeth quickly. I eventually moved my bag of toiletries into Joe's bathroom when I unpacked everything. I decide to actually brush my hair today before pulling it into a tight ponytail. I leave the diamond stud in the little dish that's full of Joe's rings. It is the only place I can put it and trust that it won't get lost.

When I exit the bathroom, Joe is playing his guitar again. He is sitting on his bed, though, now with his feet curled up under him. "Who taught you to play?" I ask him. He looks up at me, and I catch his sapphire eyes before he can look away.

"I taught myself." He answers. He changes his fingers on the neck and begins playing the same song he had played to wake me up. I can recognize it now. It's a McFly song that I spent too much of my youth listening to.

"You know," I start, sitting at the foot of his bed. "my first boyfriend serenaded me with that song when I was probably fifteen." I laugh thinking about high school me sitting on my windowsill when this dorky baseball player tried to climb the tree holding a guitar. When that didn't work, he stood on the grass and played 'It's All About You' on the guitar and sang it to me. He couldn't sing to save his life, but I still went out with him. He was the only boy who was even remotely cute in my sophomore class of high school.

"Does that still work seven years later?" Joe grins, continuing to strum the guitar. He glances away from me to watch his fingers move on the neck. I can feel myself blush. Was that supposed to be a sneaky way of asking me out?

"You're more than welcome to try." I tell him, the flushed-feeling gone. I hate feeling my cheeks get hot from embarrassment or whenever I get flustered. I'm getting better and better at ridding myself from the feeling.

"I'll pass. I don't sing." He says. He sings. I know he sings. I can tell. Besides, I heard him singing in the shower last night. He's not confident in himself, though, which makes me slightly sad because it means that while I'm here, I might never hear him sing outside the shower.

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