Chapter 5

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Shoutout to trashsince2002   For making such a cute cover for me!

I threw my covers off my head in a rush as my alarm continued to beep mercilessly. I noticed that I was seriously late and began to hurry up.

I only made it down right in time, just enough to gobble down a bowl of cereal and rush out the door, pelting into the bus. I scrambled into my usual seat at the middle of the bus, only to notice the absence of Harper.

Where was that squid? After I had figured out his secret he couldn't just leave me in suspense!

I tapped my foot impatiently on the floor of the bus, sighing.

As soon as the engine of the bus roared to life I understood that Harper was a no-show.

I threw open the zip of my bag and slid my hand in, pulling out a hard bound velvet copy of 'A Tale of Two Cities' by Charles Dickens.

I sighed and began to the read the unabridged novel as the bus started to rumble along the wet and sloshy roads and my fingers turned the buttery thin sheets of the book.


I was sitting through a boring lecture on the periodic table about the Noble gases. Yes.

I scrambled down whatever the teacher lectured about in my sticky notes (that were the most adorable shade of pale pink) so that I could actually go through the topic at home.

Luckily, I didn't get that much homework from the previous classes of that day so I would get some time to understand my chemistry concepts.

Right after the bell rang, I sped down the hallway like Naruto when he ran all ninja style.

I approached the cafeteria and cautiously looked about to make sure that I wouldn't be running into Vivian or the other two anytime soon.

As soon as I sat down on my seat a pair of arms grappled at my neck.

"Hey loser! Why are you sitting alone?" Nessalynne's voice sang in my ears.

Adelaide nagged at her about being rude and tried to pry her arms off my neck.

The two sat down in front of me and grinned.

"So, what's up guys?" I asked. The two of their grins grew, if that was possible.

"Are you coming to Jackson's party tonight?" Adelaide asked me.

"Naw. I'm not the party kinda girl. I definitely think Nyx will be up for it though." I said, gesturing to Nessalynne.

"I heard Alex Lebbec will be there!" Adelaide said, wiggling her eyebrows.

I gasped and almost emptied out the contents of my pasta filled stomach.

"My BROTHER?" I screeched.

Nessalynne and Adelaide turned to me in shock.

"Your brother?!" Nessalynne asked, just as loudly.

He's going to be at a teenage party, huh. My college going bro...

"By the way, who's Jackson?" I asked them.

"Jackson Fernanedez! Only the coolest dude in the local college, bro." Nyx informed me.

Oh. So this guy was in college. That's probably why my brother would be there. But then again, why were my newly acquired friends attending a college party?

Weren't they those overly crazy ones?!

"I don't think it would be a great idea to be there. College kids drink you know. Be careful, people spike drinks." I cautioned them.

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