I lifted myself off my bed hastily and wiped a drop of sweat off my forehead.
I peered out of the window to see a thick gloom cross the sky. It was definitely about to rain.
I spun on my heel and pushed the door to the bathroom open. On glancing at my appearance on the mirror, I blanched.
My face was a ghastly white, almost sickly looking and my hair stuck up in all directions.
Let's not forget the fact that two thick dark undertones sat under my eyes. Little bags of lack of sleep.
I guess it was true though. I wasn't sleeping much. Many problematic thoughts plagued my mind when I tried to sleep and so I would feel deprived by the morning.
I wrapped my hand around my toothpaste lazily and applied some on my brush. I roughly brushed against my teeth and then dragged a comb through my knots in my hair.
Finally I washed my face thoroughly with a face wash to make myself appear brighter.
Pulling on my grey sweater and sweat pants I tumbled down the steps to grab my bland cereal. Honestly, it tastes so bad but I still like it. I find that so creepy.
While I munched on the ish that I was eating I thought, 'honestly, I've never seen Pocahontas... Or Mulan. I wonder why.'
It's true. I haven't. Bite me. I want to watch both of the Disney movies but I never came around doing it.
After I pushed my feet into my vans, I hopped, skipped and jumped to the door.
"You can't even jump. What's your air time, 0.00002 seconds?" Alex asked me with a laugh.
"Hey! I can clip my feet in the air you know!"
"Just barely. I honestly feel like every time you jump, you are probably going to break something."
"Whatever, I'm leaving."
I threw myself out of the door with my bag and hummed and skipped annoyingly while going to school because I missed the bus.
As soon as I entered school I saw a truck load of students rush around and sighed heavily.
There were so many of them, they appeared like a zombie apocalypse of makeup caked faces.
All the girls wanted to look like one girl, and therefore they did.
Vivian Mcclaister. Sun kissed skin and dirty blonde hair was a fad apparently.
On the other hand, I always preferred brunettes or people with black hair. Generally with light eyes, though. They look extremely good.
I ended up day dreaming a lot because next thing I know, I'm late for chemistry.
Mrs. Peters and I, well let's say we ain't got good history.
Ever since I was in 8th I've had her for chem.
She seemed to be tired of my freckle splattered face. Every time she saw me, she would sigh dramatically and roll her eyes. Like, come on man!
There's honestly no good way to describe her.
I flipped open my phone and read the time, realising that I was seriously late. I sprinted to my classroom but I didn't make it before the bell rang loudly in my ears.
"WHAT. Did I say about showing up on time, Miss. Lebbec?" She asked, pronouncing my name as though it was a potent venom.
She gave a dry chuckle out of her throat. "Shocking, honestly. That you even made it to class.
What? Forgot your book again, Lebbec?!" She spat.
I flinched slightly as I turned towards the class and took a deep breath.
I saw a couple of piteous glances from some people that I didn't bother to get to know.
"Students, you all are going to stand and remain silent for the rest of the class if Lebbec doesn't get out."
Mrs. Peters announced, a leisure grin resting on her face.
I retched mentally at the thought of her smug expression. I just wanted to chop that face and put it in a bowl, mix it up with a ladle and-
"Get the hell out of my class Lebbec!!!" She shouted loudly. My ears rung and my eyes stung with tears.
"Please-" I began dryly.
"Please?" She scoffed. "You always forget your book, talk back to me in class, show up late, pretend like you are an A grade student, and now you're begging me to let you remain in the class? At the expense of your classmates? No shame you have Carly."
"It's caroun-" I started.
"Shut up!" She lifted her hand and struck my face.
The class gasped and I looked up in shock, cradling my face.
Her face shrunk in horror. She reached out but I tore Down the hallway right at that second.
Somehow, in the next two minutes, I found myself pacing a supply closet and breathing extremely heavily.
My heart was hammering in my chest and tears freely flowing down my cheeks. My chest was spasming as I inhaled deeply. I felt almost as though I couldn't even breath properly.
I had never been humiliated like that before.
My classmates would make fun of me and bully me after what they saw. They would think it was funny.
My knees buckled and I tumbled to the floor, cheeks red and finding it difficult to breath.
I lay on the cold ground, hands trembling, unable to pick myself up. It had been so long since it had happened. It would always happen for no important reason and leave me traumatised.
As I lay there, slowly losing consciousness, the door suddenly flew open and white light streamed into the closet.
The person at the door took a sharp inhale as he saw me scrunched up on the floor in a ball, unable to breath, twitching and trembling.
The hand gently lifted me up and placed a pill in my hand, urging me to put it in my mouth.
As soon as I did, it poured water into my mouth to gulp down the pill.
The figure then sat beside me as I slowly closed my eyes and as the pain subsided...
I shouted out loud as I flew into a sitting position. An alarmed Harper sat beside me. Taking in my surroundings, I found myself to be in a damp supply closet.
"Where am I?" As soon as I said this, all the memories came flooding back into my mind.
The anxiety attack and the pill and the figure. Harper.
"You... Helped me?" I asked him.
He shrugged nonchalantly.
"What's the time?!"
"Don't worry, you only missed one class. It's lunch now." He replied.
"Besides, how're you feeling?"
"Never better." I chuckled.
"How'd you know which medicine to use?" I asked skeptically.
"I take it often." He said.
So he had the same problem? Was his worse than mine?
These were the only thoughts plaguing my mind.
"I have to go. Take care, Runa."
And with that, the boy who sat beside me for a whole period left me alone in a dank supply closet.
How'd he even know about the attack anyway? How'd he find me?
This was actually a kind of weird chapter to write so...
Well, I hope it was nice though. I'm not very good at writing things like this though.
Hope you enjoyed!

Only One Cup of Coffee
Teen FictionIn which a 15 year old girl who is carrying a burden full of excuses, lies and forgotten promises is given a helping hand by a certain brunette from her hazy past. Things go wrong when others who want her to have nothing to do with the brown haired...