Chapter 8

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After I carried my butt out of English, I rushed down the hallway, trying to catch Harper before he would get carried away by the throng of the teenager crowd.

Seriously though, they were so abusive to smaller people. Like, if you are below 5'4, you're done. They throw you around like a sack of potatoes or something.

I tried shoving past but I guess I did no good when I was put up against at least 15 six feet tall football players.

I flipped my red fringe out of my face in frustration and shimmied through the crowd, looking for a certain porcelain brunette.

In my dear dear haste, I don't look around and I bang into a spray tanned back. Oh, you guessed it. That hella cliché mean girl who just needs to stop plucking her fake butt out of YA novels.

Vivian flipped around, her eyes bright with anger. She had on a flow-y crop top and shorty shorts. Honestly, I'm not one to judge outfits, but it looked like she was trying to attract more attention than Scott McCall did when he howled like a werewolf into the mic inside his school (put your hands up like an awkward child/what ever u r if u got dat reference).

"What the hell do you want!" She screeched at my face. Her eyes flitted to the hoodie in my hand before I could hide it.

"Is that... Harper's hoodie?!!" She howled at me.

"Oops?" I shrugged nonchalantly.

"Didn't I tell you to keep your sorry butt away from him?!" She screamed, her voice sounding raw.

Maybe she would make a good soprano at choir if she could sing well. Too bad I don't believe she can.

"Can't see the certificate claiming him as yours. If you've got one, I'd be pleased to discuss this over tea." I said calmly.

I think that's what really made her snap.

She drew her fist back and socked me square in the jaw. I flew back and slammed into a locker. Josiah's I believe. Well, now we know how that happened.

Now I know what you're thinking. 'Now Harper pops out of nowhere and growls at Vivian or something and goes all Oompa Loompa on everyone. Soon I realise he's a werewolf and I'm his mate and we get married.' Okay maybe I took that one too far but that as close as I can get to a fairy tale.

Because this is most definitely not a fairy tale.

No prince charming on a white horse. Just a broken boy and a girl with a really broken nose. Did I mention it was bleeding?

Anyways, I lifted myself off Josiah's locker and wiped the blood off my nose with the back of my hand.

So Mary Poppins could pack a punch. What next? She's actually a Mariah Carey worthy Soprano in a church choir?

I flash her a ridiculously insane looking grin. I guess I kinda wanted to impersonate a mad hatter of a sort.

Did you know, hatters were considered to go mad in the Victorian era because the felt hats they wore contained Mercury that damaged their brain?

I got that little piece of information from the back of a copy of Alice's adventures in wonderland. Lol.

I slung the hoodie on Josiah's poor locker and took a fighting stance.

She came charging right at me with a left hook of a sort. I side stepped and feinted a punch but kicked her abdomen instead. She didn't see the kick coming and doubled over in pain.

I stepped back before a teacher could approach and ran off with the hoodie in my hand, a lopsided grin planted on my lips and a mission to find a boy called Harper.

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