Chapter 14

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After recognising the people in the kitchen, I slowly set my bat down and took a deep inhale of air. I shakily ran my hands through my sweaty hair before nervously glancing at my dad.

"What was that?!! Were you trying to get us killed?" He yelled, gesturing to Calum.

So the man brought Mr. Desperate into the house, huh...

'This guy is absolutely despicable! He can't get on my good side any more so he'll try my father, huh!' I thought venomously as I slowly lifted the bat and waved it in Calum's face.

"I told you to just leave me alone... But no! You just can't seem to get. The. Hint!" I shouted.

"Hey! That isn't the way to treat your childhood best friend! Also, don't wave that bat. He came here because he wants to take you for some dinner! Like the good old times, eh?" Dad chimed in.

I growled lowly at him.

"Last time I checked, we aren't besties. He ruined my life and now he's back to ruin it even more. If you've got nothing to say that's worth my time, I'll be retiring to my bedroom." I said.

So maybe I was a little harsh... But hey. I ain't going to sit around and watch him screw things up for me a second time.

I could hear my dad trying to tell me something from downstairs but I wasn't bothered to listen. I just threw myself flat on my bed and decided to spend some time thinking on my own.

Back in the day when I first came here, the only two people willing to befriend me were Vivian and Calum. Yes, Vivian.

She was kind of sweet back then, in her own way.

The thing was, Vivian and Calum were dating and were really close so the two of them were a little skeptical about pulling me into their group.

I guess after seeing me often, they eventually warmed up to me. Vivian started to treat me like her best friend.

We were inseparable, the three of us.

A couple of months went by together, Calum and Vivian were still an item and I was still their best friend. Everything was fine and dandy until Calum started acting up.

Before the summer break, Calum would act a little weird around me, hanging out with me and ditching Vivian.

Every time they would schedule a date, Calum would refuse to go.

Vivian would get so annoyed and would complain to me everyday but Calum wasn't changing.

One of the days, I snapped and asked him why he was keeping away from Vivian, so he told me. Everyday I wished I didn't ask to hear what he said.

Without shame, he admitted he had started to like me the day he met me, so he pretended to like Vivian so as to not hurt her feelings.

He was a despicable guy not because of what he said, but because of what he did.

He was a manipulative jerk that wouldn't let himself keep a normal relationship standing.

He thought it would be fun to pit two best friends together.

He actually realised quick enough that I had no feelings for him so he decided that if he couldn't have me, he would make sure I wouldn't have anyone either.

He got the two new girls of the school, Mikaela and Annalisia to beat Vivian bloody. They were wearing hoods on a rainy day.

It was all set up of course. Calum made sure she thought it was my fault. That was the end of my only friendship in that school back then.

I always had a feeling that Calum was a little unstable in the head. Nobody would want to cause others pain for no good reason.

Rejections are normal, but he made it seem like I had done something really wrong to him.

He wanted to make me suffer for something I never did.

He really was stupid and foolish... The day he left town was the day I told myself that I would never approach him again.

Guess those kind of promises always seem to be too good to be true.

My mind whirred and clicked with these thoughts as the door gently opened.

Alex poked his head inside and walked in, only to sit on my bed.

"I kinda feel like this has happened before..." I sniffed, wiping my slightly red eyes.

"Déjà vu." He said, smiling slightly.

He kept quiet for a little while, watching me. His smile slowly began to fade.

Incredibly, his eyes seemed to suddenly harden as he looked at me with a serious glare.

"Are we going to talk about it or not?" He asked sternly.

"Calum's back, and I remember that the two of you don't hold up well. I can clearly see its bothering you..." He motioned to my tear stained cheeks.

"So we should talk."

"I'm fine and I don't want to talk about it." I told him softly.

"If it's affecting you then it's not fine!" He said hotly.

"He's like a sadistic person or something, that much I get, but you'll be better off if you'd just talk about it-"

"I'm going to stay over at a friend's. Tell dad I'll be home tomorrow."

"Now's not the time-"

"I just need to think for myself okay?" I said finally.

"Give me sometime."


With a small duffel bang slung over my shoulder, I stepped into the bathroom and washed my face to get rid of the tear stains.

I tried to look as bright as I could as I slowly waved goodbye to my brother and tumbled down the steps.

I shoved past Calum who was surprisingly still there, talking to my dad.

The two of them tried to get me to talk to them but I ignored them as I ran through the door.

I took a deep inhale of air as soon as I got outside.

It was very peaceful outside the house without the drama following you everywhere you go.

I felt that there was one person I wasn't talking to much at the time, who I wanted to meet.

I grabbed my phone and dialled her number.

"Hey Caroun? Is that you?"


"Can you do me a favour?" I asked.

"Oh, sure!"

"Can I stay at your place for tonight? Family drama going on at home."

"I totally get it. I'll text you my address, Kay?"

After taking a glance at the address, I boarded the next bus to her house, close to the border of the neighbouring town.

The fact that her house was rumoured to be really cool excited me as I sat down and plugged my ears to listen to some music on the way.


And that, ladies and gentlemen, was the 14th chapter!
Yes, I am definitely late, but I've been feeling pretty lazy as of recent. I also realised that the genre of my story (teen fiction) is not really the best genre for me.
Clichés don't interest me too much so the story isn't keeping me engaged much.
I also know that if I get bored of my own story, why should I expect others to enjoy it? No wonder nobody has read my story. 😓

Anyways, I still want to continue writing it for the sake of the story, even though I'm not very proud of it.

I plan to completely edit it after I'm done and try to make the story more interesting and appealing.

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