Okay so I woke up late. Bite me.
An A grade student doesn't have to be perfectly punctual.
I grabbed at my phone to check the time.
Aw shoot.
Now I won't get to read wattpad books in my bathroom as I get ready! Oops. I don't do that! Of course I don't...
I took my favourite pair of black yoga pants and paired it with my plain grey shirt. So I was going to go all emo on everyone today. You can't blame me! I was up listening to nostalgic Linkin park songs, okay!
The moment I was done with brushing my red hair, I slipped on my cat socks and pulled on my worn red vans.
I rushed out of my room with my back pack half on my shoulder and ran into Alex.
He held my shoulders and smacked my head.
"Watch where your going Runa. Today it's me you bumped into and tomorrow it'll be Michael Clifford. Oh I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want that to happen. Especially not in those pjs." He smirked. "Keep a check on your day dreaming, you butt." He mocked me, repeating what I would say when I would always scold him.
I turned scarlet. How come he always manages to use everything I say against me?
"They're not pjs Alex they're yoga pants. And I'm sure Michael Clifford has a thing for red heads with yoga pants!" I shouted.
"Yeah, that and mom giving us a pep talk on drinking under reasonable limits." He snorted.
"That ain't gonna happen."
I twirled the ends of my red hair as I waited patiently for the bus to roll in. I was trying to finish the epilogue of an amazing book in record time before the bus showed up.
Vivian took one look at me and laughed.
"Look at her! She's the definition of pathetic. When you look up pathetic in the dictionary, her name pops up." She giggled with her friends obnoxiously.
"When you judge another, it doesn't define who they are. It just defines who you are." I said to her as I flipped my hair.
"Ha! The freak with family problems that makes her insecure talks!" She sneered.
"Were your Albino freak show of a brother and ignorant parents Not enough for you sweetie?"
Tears started to well in my eyes when she said that. I don't wanna be reminded that people still bullied my brother for being an albino.
The sadness quickly turned to anger. She could insult my parents, they deserved it, but my brother was so nice to me! She wouldn't get away with insulting him!
"Oh sweetie!" She chuckled. "Cat got your tongue?"
I attempted to lunge at her, years of kickboxing training coming back to me. I was about to give a fatal kick in the abdomen that would probably put her in the hospital for weeks when a strong pair of arms pulled me back.
"Hey there." The voice greeted. "That would've been a pretty heavy kick. Too bad I won't let you go through with it though, as much as I'd like to see her in the hospital."
I turned around and saw the new guy.
What was his name? Harper? Yeah. Harper.
"Oh great." I said.
He just continued to look at me quizzically.
"That would've been the perfect kick..." I grumble.
He grinned at me. A boyish grin it was.
"The time will come... Patience grasshopper..." He said as he tried to imitate obi wan kenobi's voice.
After we got into the bus, my anger came right back. I sat at the window seat fuming, and Harper, who did me a favour according to him and sat with me, sighed.
"Don't be so grumpy. Here, this will cheer you up." He said in a soft voice.
The next thing that happened was, his earplug was put in my left ear and 5sos played through the headphones.
I listened carefully and realised that it was jet black heart.
"OMG." I said, barely containing my excitement.
He quirked a ridiculously manicured looking eyebrow.
"Seriously? You like 5sos too?!! And jet black heart? My personal fav." I gushed like the teenage freak I am.
Huh. Maybe Katy perry's long awaited sequel song to teenage dream would be teenage freak. A hella unpopular song about a clumsy, red head freak. I mean, it's not like anyone's actually awaiting a sequel for that one.
"Glad you liked it." He said quietly, smiling as he went back to his emo thought process.
Huh. The more I got to know him, the less he ended up seeming like them obnoxious heartbreak boys.
Maybe my perfect judgement wasn't so perfect after all.
I wrapped my arms around myself and rubbed them. It was really starting to chilly and summer had only just ended. Gosh.
I tightened my grip on my arms as I navigated through the hallways to my biology class.
As soon as I set my books down on my desk, I felt a little better. At least we were in biology. Mrs. Million would be nice to me.
As soon as I sat down the thought dawned on me.
We would have our biology practicals next week and I knew for a fact that nobody would partner with me.
Wrapped around my panicky thoughts, I didn't realise that a spectacular girl with ombré purple hair came and sat down next to me.
I turned to her and fell in love. With her hair, people. Gosh.
I stared at it for a good thirty seconds before she gave me a hearty laugh.
"D'ya like it?" She asked me.
"Like it? I love it!" I gushed.
She smiled softly at me. "To be honest I really like your hair too. It's so pretty, it's a very rich shade of red, which is hard to find. It compliments your eyes. Is your hair dyed?" She asked.
"Actually, no. My family happens to be pretty weird when it comes to passing down traits. I look nothing like my brother. Honest." I said to her.
"The name's Nessalynne." She said to me. (Forget what you thought, cause good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught! Lol sozz)
"Oh, my name's Caroun. You can call me Runa though." I told her.
And then it went on from there.
Honestly we latched on pretty quick. She was nice, funny and quirky and she had a good sarcastic sense about her. Best of all, she knew how to play the electric guitar. I've always wished to learn but my parents refused to pay for classes.
She offered to teach for free though. For FREE!
Bio went by in a whir.
I barely paid attention to Mrs. Million, even though that was a first. I'm usually a dork.
This girl was extremely kind and entertaining though.
I really thought she was nice but that doesn't mean I'm going to parade around, telling her every little secret I know. I can be a little insecure at times.
Besides, after the incident with Calum... (Not Calum hood, ya fool!) I'd rather not trust people much anymore.
How are you liking this book so far? So this character Calum, who seems to have something to do with her apparent insecurity will be spoken about a little later, so you've got to be patient.
This book actually got 16 views, for which I am soooooo happy!
Thank you for reading.
Nessalynne's pic is up above!

Only One Cup of Coffee
Teen FictionIn which a 15 year old girl who is carrying a burden full of excuses, lies and forgotten promises is given a helping hand by a certain brunette from her hazy past. Things go wrong when others who want her to have nothing to do with the brown haired...