To Be Or Not To Be

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Nesta sighed sweeping dust from the corners of the big townhouse in velaris it was nice of Feyre and Rhys to give it to her but did it have to be so big it was only her living there so why they decided on a four bedroom house she had no idea but Rhys had been kind giving her a job in his inner circle. Her sisters mate was far too nice to everyone completely different to the stories of the dark high lord of the night who captured and stole from mortals driving them insane but they weren't true at all he was kind and caring and loved Feyre and their sons equally. Nesta looked down and screamed she'd completely burned her brush to cinders leaving nothing but ash dusting the just polished floor. This wasn't right it had been thirty years since Hybern was destroyed her powers had shown then she was a Daemati with shape shifting gifts also she had to go to Rhys he'd know what had to be done she thought as she began crying in panic she shifted her wings out and running of the third floor balcony of her red , rustic townhouse sweeping through the streets and up to the house of wind where her sister and brother in law lived.

She landed on the balcony as Rhys and Feyre rushed out hearing the commotion of the sobbing and wing pulsing that followed her upwards into the clouds. Feyre looked so frightened she had never seen Nesta outburst like that she'd always been quiet and refrained never one to show emotion until she became high fae.
" Feyre where's Rhysand? I need to speak with Rhysand it's important!" Nesta sobbed on the balcony
"Hush now Nesta its fine I'll get him just stay calm"
RHYS come home something's wrong with Nesta I need help
Anything for my delicious high lady I'm on my way 
" it's fine Nesta Rhys is coming home now" just as she spoke those last words Rhys appeared behind Nesta she jumped forth not expecting him and unleashed a burning fiery wave soaring around her. Rhys magic shot out tendrils of night dissolving the flame but not before the meeting room was destroyed in the blast. Nesta fell to the floor thudding down on her knees.
"I'm so sorry but something's wrong I can't control my power"
Just as that was spoken Az , Mor and Cassian all came through the doors running over to see what was wrong just as Nesta vomited on Feyre's shoes and collapsed.

Cassian snarled and ran over to pick up Nesta before turning and shouting to Rhys.
"Fetch the healer I'll put her in my room send them there." As he shot up the stairs and down the hall to the third room on the left in the house of wind. Half an hour later Nesta regained consciousness as the healer walked in on a snarling, pacing Cassian who was currently on his way to wearing a hole in the rug as Mor so kindly remarked as the healer walked in.
" hello Nesta I'm Cerie I'm the healer that the high lord sent for now everyone else out" Nesta noticed all her family had gathered in the doorway leaning in to listen. They all pulled forward with eager faces which made her laugh.
" High lord or not Rhysand you have to leave" Cerie said without even turning around " Nesta one person may stay in the room with you no one else ."
" Cass please stay with me I don't want to be alone." She said grimacing in the pain radiating throughout her body.
Cassian just shrugged his shoulders and sat in the small chair on the bedside tucking his large wings in tightly siphons glowing in the dull candle light.

Cerie sat down to begin her work swirls writhing along her hands and up her throats signalling her as a healer with the gift of the mother, one of the stronger healers the very same who saved Cassians wings all those years ago. She worked for hours a dull blue glow radiating off of her palms trying to figure out what was going wrong with Nesta  Cassian sat patiently as Nesta slept finally peaceful after writhing in constant pain something ancient and heavy began to write in Cassian chest he'd been waiting for this for years since Nesta was made he always suspected they were mates he'd just never think he'd feel the bond. He was shaken from this thinking by a blood curdling scream as he watched a pair of Illyrian wings morphing the soft flesh of Nesta's back. Feyre and Elain ran through the door sobbing from the noise erupting from their older sister, Rhys and Lucien sprinting after their distraught mates shortly followed by Mor ,Az and Amren who all looked concerned but they stopped in awe at the sight of the glorious wings flashing in and out of view like Rhys wings Nesta would be able to summon them.Even Cerie was taken back by this glancing nervously at the high lord and lady.

Three weeks later Nesta was up and moving again wings permanently out on display when Cassian decided he'd teach her to fly. When he arrived in the roof garden he found Varian there with Nesta both grinning like mad as they turned holding hands tightly
" Cass isn't it great Varian is my mate" Nesta exclaimed with glee. As they ran off to announce the fact Cassian trailed behind miserably he heard Feyre and Elain squeal in delight at this fact he walked in Azriel glanced nervously at Cassian as he nodded he'd told Azriel and Rhys about it but no one else. He thought all would be fine until Nesta announced
" And we will be leaving later to live in summer court."
Cassian dropped to his knees he couldn't let her leave " No Nesta please don't go"
She dropped down beside him " Cass he's my mate I have too"
Cassian looked in to Nesta's grey-blue eyes softening slightly " No Nesta you can't go I'm begging you"
She reached out and grabbed his hand " Why not Cass? Why don't you think I should go ?"
He looked into her eyes as if he was looking straight into her soul
"Nesta you my mate."
Just then a loud snap sounded as Nesta realised what she'd been looking for was here all along.

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