Aelin and the allies

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I walked the sandy bank one hand gripping my Mate tightly as I struggled along seeing all my friends gathered waiting for me the rightful queen of Terrasen, Heir of Mala firebringer and destroyer of the valg, the war was only just beginning.

Aedion as the first to spot me he stood from the dismal camp whooping raising the sword of Ornyth which glinted in the midday light.

Lysandra stood next shifting into a snow leopard racing forward before pouncing on me nuzzling and licking. She shifted back to her form, her true form , Rowan had filled me in on that fact.

Next a hooded figure approached I stood tall yet feeling weak. He pulled back his hood revealing tanned skin, darker than Rowans, with thick dark hair and dazzling sea green eyes that reminded me of a time in the desert of betrayals and blood
"I've missed you Celaena Sardothein." His deep voice growled
"llias" I felt a silent tear carve a line through the ash dusting my face.
"I have your Army of Assassins consider the life debt fulfilled." He bowed before turning  to address the crowd.
"Queen Aelin Ashryver Galanthynius and King Rowan Whitethorn Galanthynius" he bowed.
I stood tall as grumbled about being a consort not a king. I glared at him to shut up for once in his immortal life and do as he's told.
"I have returned from Doranelle where Maeve is dead." I took a breath " General Ashryver and Lady Lysandra have ruled you all awaiting my return now we have let's give them hell." I turned and strode away from the cheering masses they all came through my friends all came through. We had Allies.
"Aelin someone's looking for Celaena Sardothien he says it's important" Aedion escorted a Tall dark haired pale skinned man through the crowds all throughout the well built man swaggered through carrying a satchel.
"Celaena, you could of at least invited me when you wrecked the castle." He sighed dramatically grey eyes locking onto turquoise ones.
"Nox bloody Owens I'd wondered where you'd been hiding out." I smirked.
"Now you remover all those times I helped you with the ridderak before you burn me..." he rummaged in his bag whilst I lifted one eyebrow. "... I may or may not of broken into your palace and may or may not of stolen some little things." He pinched his fingers together signalling small things I just started laughing
"Only you Nox Only you." I said as he produced the antler crown that had last sat on my great uncles head along with an ancient necklace that was passed to every consort married into the family but seeing as I was the last of my bloodline I was naturally queen where as before it was kings I held the Rowan.
"Every consort in the family had this necklace so by rights Rowan it's yours." I said trying to keep my laughter in at his unamused face.
"Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't it law for the consorts to wear it." Aedion had a shit eating grin plastered across his face as I slid the necklace around Rowans thick necklace it barely fit.
"I believe Rowan your neck is nearly as thick as your head." I laughed tears streaming out of my eyes as Fenrys walked over.
"You look radiant Rowan the the gold chain really brings out the pissed of look in your eyes" Fenrys smirked walking away as Rowan reached for his daggers.
"If this is my court I'll never have a boring day in my life." I sighed contently sliding the antler crown over my golden locks.

Just a short little one ready for ACOWAR
On a side note go check out my other story A Court Of Glass And Storms I promise it's really good new stories will be up soon.
Happy reading
Kirstie x

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