Fire in the flowers (Smut warning) pt 1

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This is a lucien x Elain smut chapter read at your own risk - kirstie

They all walked down the winding little street prepared to waste the day shopping  Feyre ,Nesta and Elain bonding together properly as a family should with prompting from their mates Feyre dragged them all into her and Rhysands favourite shop a little lacy one named Miss Pertuna at first it was unclear what goods they sold with the burgundy coloured drapes covering the large open windows the door unlike the rest was firmly shut.

Feyre looked back at Elain as Nesta prowled forwards straight to the burgundy one pieces obviously Cassian's favourite colours as she then dived into a two piece the colour of his siphons. Feyre walked over to the black and blue section calling Elain over as she went.
"Do you think these look more like Rhys eyes or these ?" Lifting two pairs into the air one a deep blue the other a metallic violet.
"The second one definitely." Elain said to Feyre as she turned seeing Nesta grabbed different pairs for Cassian as he loved it when she did.

Elain walked around the shop sensing they were going to be there a while she began looking for any floral patterns that weren't to risky but still pleasing for Lucien to see her in they hadn't been all the way yet as she was still a innocent and embarrassed when Feyre and Mor explained the mating bond acceptance but Lucien was understanding and ready to be patient. He truly loved her and she realised as she strolled through the store he'd wait centuries for her when Elain spotted the perfect set it contained a pastel two piece with a short thigh length night gown of silver with red burning flowers scattered across perfect she thought picking it up to explain her plans to Feyre and ask for her and Nesta's help setting the perfect night for a mating bond acceptance. She'd decided Lucien and herself had waited long enough for this moment she truly loved him he was patient and caring her family loved him , she giggled at that thought her family when did she start considering them as that.

After the three hour shopping trip finished and Elain ran back to her town house down by the river the one she and Lucien would share from that night on. She ran on home ready to prepare the night ahead.

An hour later Elain was blushing profusely as Nesta and Feyre actually explained what happened in the night after all this yet she realised it was to late to back out she couldn't just leave Lucien like this so mustering all the bravo she could Elain slowly slid the silk up her hips and over her head the nightgown went on as she silently prayed he wouldn't rip it to shreds as she was starting to like the look of it hugging her curvy hips and plump breast she tried so hard to hide. Just then she heard the door slam sensing Lucien had had a rough day she prepared herself at least the first step had worked with Feyre sending him to the small townhouse she owned. She called out
" Lucien is that you?" Carefully not wanting him to sense any anticipation in her voice.
" Elain are you alright, Feyre sent me she said it was important and Nesta practically pushed out of the house of wind." He was stumbling over his words obviously unsure of what was going on as he stumbled down the hallway.
" Lucien wait" she cried out " stay in living room I'll be there in a minute." She felt him tense through the bond that had appeared recently , she hadn't told him though not wanting to set anything off just yet till she was ready.

Lucien was sat on her plush couch her favourite that Az got her after she bought the house , it was a soft pink with blue floral patterns nice and soft still it fitted perfectly into the house design. She mustered all the courage she could before strutting exactly as Nesta showed her into the doorway. It didn't take Lucien long to pick up her scent as he stood up and slowly walked towards before looking down as his jaw dropped to the floor when he noticed her attire she picked up the one of the cookies she'd baked earlier and took a small bite before gracefully stepping to Lucien placing one had on his incredibly muscled chest before placing it in front of his lips and reciting her little speech
" I choose you Lucien. Every single day I want to wake up next to you. I want to be with you and no one else would compare to you. I'm yours as long as your mine." A single tear slipped down his cheek but she hadn't yet finished.
" Scars and Demons we will face it all together from now until darkness claims us."
He took a tender bite of the cookie before she lent backwards putting it on the kitchen counter giving him a generous view the whole way. Before she had the time to right herself he was upon her kissing her deeply full of lust as he picked her up and carried her into the bedroom.

By the time they'd made it up the stairs she'd clawed his shirt mostly of his back revealing a tanned muscled body she was prepared to see the rest after hearing what Nesta had said about Cassian and his wing span correlation she was ready for the rest of Lucien something she had been imagining for a while she burned crimson at this thought Lucien lifted a hand and rubbed it along her cheek bone tenderly.
" Have you changed your mind my Elain? Honestly if you don't want me I'll find a way to live with it I know I'm a..." she silenced him with a kiss whilst using shaky. Hands to undo his belt replacing her hands with his as he shucked them off only standing in a pair of under garments he slowly removed her nightgown and her lacy undergarments admiring them whilst he did careful not to rip them as she laid utterly bare in front of him she placed a gentle hand on his
" Lucien I need to tell you something first" she stuttered slightly a burning blush creeping up " I ... um I'm a ... Your my first ." She blurted out burning fully now he looked into her eyes.
" I've never been someone's first before would you believe in over 450 years strange isn't it? at least it's my beautiful mate." He placed a tender kiss on her fore head " do you still want too even now?"
" Yes with you." She whispered tentatively
He a growl rippled through him he lost the last bit of shred control as the lust for his mate over came him he swiftly tugged his undergarments away displaying ever glorious inch. Her mouth dried as she uttered one command.
" Come here." The last thing she remembered saying before he started.

Everything focused on that moment as he entered the sensation of pain and pleasure mixed together as he looked up eyes of worry making sure he wasn't hurting her to much if she wasn't already in love with him she definitely was now she reached out to grab his hand as reassurance as he started slowly gradually picking up the pace she was burning her body racked with pleasure he was the same roaring as he climaxed spilling himself into her.

They barely slept for three nights not leaving the house at all. Elain had never thought the need for her mate could be so strong she was equally to blame for the sleepless nights and fruitless days she thought as she rolled over sleepily cracking her eyes open to see her beautiful mate gazing softly at her. Life was perfect but not for long their world was about to be rocked for ever.

Next part at 2 votes on this
Hey guys
I hope you like this story n I didn't at first but now it's one of my favourites as above next part is at two votes
Happy reading 👋
Kirstie x

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