A Court Of Glass And Storms

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This is a chapter from A Court Of Glass And Storms another of my books that I'll think you'd enjoy please check it out xx
Happy reading
Kirstie x

I stayed in my slump for the rest of the trip although it wasn't long back to land. Soon we had arrived at the dock on the edge of the oakwald forest which only left the ten mile hike but we only had one night left aboard the ship. Calor had stayed with me the entire time Fenrys never even tried to speak to me but then again the only time I left my room was to train and fly. I decided to leave my cabin to go to the meeting. We were walking along the corridor after Calor told me not to waste my magic winnowing so in a grump a stomped along not caring about the sniggering pirates or the fact I had Fenrys' shirt over my navy pants I'd found it inside my trunk of which was being shipped to my house ,meaning it should meet us there eventually.

I strode into the meeting room purposefully late after all I was feeling bitchy still slightly less after seeing Asterin in a bandage wrapped completely around meaning none of the males had offered to heal her.
"Now that you've decided to grace us with your presence care to explain the male you've been sleeping with?" Aelin smirked. I rolled my eyes preparing for the Shit Storm that was about to start.
"This is Calor, my baby brother." I paused as Lorcan opened his mouth I raised a hand to silence him causing Elide to raise an eyebrow. "Yes he's your son and before you ask he has a twin sister Nieve. Seriously Father learn to keep it in your pants I really don't need anymore siblings." Now it was Calors turn to smirk.
"Really Riv I thought you loved raising me" he pouted
"Azriel did most of it I was busy" I shot back wanting to need this conversation before it got to complicated.
"Your wearing my shirt?" Fenrys whispered looking up from the map.
"You can have it back if you want i found it in my trunk."
He shook his head.

"So Riv are you sure that's everything covered for our stay y'know we do have to monarchs?" Rowan repeated for the forth time in three minutes.
I rolled my eyes "yes it's covered everyone has a bed and a room even if Cal stays too"
He moved onto the next question and sat back playing with my magic weaving darkness between my fingers watching how they disappeared when Rowan brought his questions back to me I'd really started to lose patience with his constant fuss. I snapped iron teeth down copying the way manons worked as my wings flared out catching  Elide off guard making her practically jump into Lorcans arms.
"No need to frighten Elide Whore" Asterin smirked I was really starting to lose my control with them all but before I torched the place Cal decided to step in.
"Go work out your sexual tension somewhere else" Cal raised an eyebrow waiting for a response I smirked realising what would come next.
"You could always help you know I need a pretty male warming my sheets." She turned her sights on him.
"Not interested darling, Its my lover you see he wouldn't be to happy with that" he shrugged before walking out.
"Did I forgot to mention Cals gay?" I said to Lorcan before walking out ready to get to the manor before back to velaris.

It was the next morning when we were trudging through the forest when my mood finally lighten Asterin had left the night before but I still hadn't spoken to Fenrys and Connall being an oh so helpful prick kept chasing after me. That was until Elide left Lorcans side to hobble over and speak to me just as Lorcan noticed his magic Spiralled out forming an ankle brace around it.
"Who did that?" I silently questioned.
"It was a long time ago" she blushed
"Elide Lochan who did that?" I raised one eyebrow waiting for an answer.
"It was my uncle he didn't trust the healers when I broke my ankle." She whispered.
"He's a dead man walking" I growled and she burst out laughing the others all turned to us. "What?" I said indignantly.
"You are just like Lorcan" she kept laughing. I growled and stalked off.
"Just because they're alike doesn't mean you should point it out she's likely going to kill someone now" Gavriel gave a long suffering sigh seemingly reserved for Me, Aelin or Fenrys.

I continued in a grump until nightfall we set up camp in a large clearing everyone had their own little section Aelin and Rowan then Lysandra and Aedion together Evangeline between Aelin and Lysandra sides then Gavriel, Vaughan, Connall and Fenrys just along was Lorcan and Elide and obviously me and Calor and Dorian spread slightly further out. We were all sat around the little camp fire exchanging stories when the subject of scars came up.
"... My scars beat all you. I spent a year in Endovier..." Aelin slurred slightly we'd all been drinking.
"... I fought a battle when I was Fourteen..." Aedion smirked thinking he won.
"You all know mine anyway so I win" I stated wanting to end this conversation.
"Go on Riv don't be sour" Aelin urged.
"Fine" I pulled my shirt over my head before turning around." Five years in ferro rupem" I turned back around showing my stomach "I was pregnant and attacked then had a miscarriage are we finished now?" Aelin nodded solemnly
"By Queenly decree I demand Rowan carried me over there so I can sleep" she gestured to her sleeping mat as Rowan picked her up sighing. Slowly most others went to bed I was last well aware of the nightmares that were going to follow.

He grabbed my wrists forcing me back onto the bed I shared with my betrothed. I was six months pregnant this couldn't be happening. Moriel was Aedions most trusted warrior suppose to protect me until he returned from Rifthold this couldn't be happening my first pregnancy and as fae being so hard to conceive it was a miracle I'd even got pregnant that healer was right about the tonics that would help make me seem fairly human at least. Slowly Moriel pulled a knife from his belt before carving on simple word across my stomach Whore he ran out laughing a sadistic laugh a pure maniac through and through as I was swept into unconsciousness.

I sat bolt upright in my sleeping bag feeling my sweat drenched back my nightmares hadn't been this bad since Doranelle. I stood up I couldn't bare to lie back down one hand bracing my stomach where the scar used to lie thanks to Rhys' Illyrian tattoos it was covered roughly. I slowly crept towards the large male body closest to me.
"Fenrys?" I whispered. I sat next to his roll mat. He rolled towards me eyes bright.
"What Riv?" He looked up nostrils flaring slightly "You reek of fear"
"Nightmares, again" I nodded I could smell it myself.
"Wanna stay with me for now then?" He looked straight into my eyes without the usual barriers restricting his feelings was gone I could see the unwritten question in his eyes
Would you come back to me?
I shoved him over slightly before climbing in beside him resting my back to his front we fit perfectly like a puzzle entwining our legs he wrapped his arms over me keeping me safe and warm.
"You don't walk alone, not anymore" he whispered his breath stirring the fiery strands around my ear.
"I won't walk away now I've got you" I whispered back the moment was just so right.
I could feel his chest rising against my back he'd fallen asleep.

Sunlight streamed through my hair warming my face I could feel heavy arms still around me obviously not awake either. Just then something stepped in front of me blocking the sunlight.
"Fuck off Calor" I growled rolling over into Fenrys resting my face in the crook of his neck. There was a stifled laugh before the worst words imaginable.
"Ohhh Lorcannnn! look at this" I was fully awake by the time the unusually cheerful female voice finished. I sat bolt upright Fenrys doing the same his hair ruffled by sleep.
"Riviera Salvaterre Galanthynius how could you? I thought I meant something to you?" Connall screeched. I rolled my eyes he really needed to get over me.
"Oh get over it I had a nightmare so I slept with Fenrys not that big of a deal" I rolled my eyes before getting up and shifting on new clothes.

We spent half the day walking till Aedion , who was trying to provoke Rowan, ran straight into a solid barrier. Aelin ran up to it poking Aedion with her foot whilst poking the barrier with a flaming knife.
"Rowan this isn't funny you hurt Aedion." She pouted.
"One not my barrier. Two Aedion deserved that." Rowan smirked
"It's my barrier, it protects my lands and the fae in them." I continued walking straight through the barrier it would never stop me "Aelin you can pass as your blood relative so can Cal and Lorcan" I turned to face them as Cal swaggered through Aelin was slightly more cautious. "Any of your mates can pass through."
Rowan and Elide walked through. Fenrys went to lean against the barrier and fell straight through.
"Is it suppose to do that?" He groaned on the floor.
I felt the colour drain from my face.
"Only if your..." Aelin gasped " Rowan you've been replaced come here Wolfie" she joked.
Rowan snarled half heartedly.
"Is your barrier broken or how did I fall over" he dusted himself off I dropped down on the floor the realisation hit me.

This perfect selfless male. This strong yet kind hearted warrior.
I couldn't tell him he couldn't live with a reck like me.

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