Firehearts Freedom

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"WHERE IS MY WIFE?" I screamed holding a knife to Maeve's throat the guards around us were dead at either my hand or Lorcans the son of a bitch really came through in helping us.

Maeve cackled "Already dead your to late" I slashed her throats before falling to the ground in a puddle of Maeve's blood. I sat on my knees staring at the throne my fireheart should be on a throne. Someone was shaking me. Someone with hazy blonde hair and turquoise eyes.
"Aelin" I whispered then the images focused
"Rowan we think we've found her but something isn't right"Aedion continued shaking me till he realised I was focused "We will find her"
These words had been traveling through my mind since we arrived in Doranelle. That scent was so strong so close yet I couldn't see her.
"My Queen. My Mate. My Wife." I repeated it over and over agin in my head until I heard it a scream of pure agony as Fenrys came hurtling through the palace straight towards me
"Quick Rowan quick she's dying" he was breathless
We winnowed into Maeves bed chamber where Fenrys lifted tapestry to show a trap door it was pure iron. He strained pushing the door obviously it was keyed to Maeve possibly cairn as well. The door swung back displaying the torture chamber.

The Queen of Terrasen strung up in irons plastered against the wall head hanging low she let out a crisp laugh her voice sounded like insanity.
"Well Cairn back for round Two already you must be eager" practically bare in front of everyone, clothes torn to shreds but then Fenrys said the words nobody wanted to hear
"We've come to save you Celeana Sardothien, Maeve is dead."
Rowans knees hit the floor " Aelin come back to me"
"Aelin is dead, Aelin died in the coffin"
"No Fireheart"
She laughed again
"Prince Rowan Whitethorn did you bring your cadre?" She shook her chains
Rowans head snapped up she remembered his name at least that's when he knew Aelin was never dead just dormant  and he could bring her back and wyrd help them all when he did.
Because this world would burn in fire and ice then they would forge the next one.
Queen Aelin Ashrvyer Galanthynius and King Rowan Whitethorn Galthynius commanded the immortal warriors of legends and this world would end a better one would rise from the ash.

Just a short little chapter to get the feels going. I just really loved this. Honestly I managed to surprise myself with this writing. The next chapter will be a Samleana/Rowaelin mystery it will take me sometime as I want to make this a long one.
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Happy reading x
Kirstie x

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