Fire hawk

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Aelin screamed down the corridor. He came sprinting down to the throne room.
"Fire heart what's wrong? Is it the baby?" He came rushing in to his pregnant mate lounging on her throne.
"Rowan I want chocolate cake" she pouted the council men in the room all looked uncomfortable around their pregnant queen who had developed a tendency to set fire to things randomly.
"Really Aelin I was in the middle of something?" Rowan sighed getting ready to suppress a fire as he threw a shield of hard air around the council man ready for the explosion.
"But Rowan..." she crunched up her face twisting in agony the same time a sickly sweet smell filled the air.
Rowan ran forward scooping his mate into his arms before running her up to their room and yelling at the guards to summon a healer.
The wait began for the little bundle of joy.
"Rowan I'm scared" Aelin whimpered.
"So am I fireheart but it'll be fine" Rowan snuggled closer to her against the bed board.
"Tell me about the places you've been" she gasped in agony again as the healer burst in.
"I'm so sorry I'm late your majesties" she stumbled over her words
Aelin screamed out
"One time I went to this beautiful city Adriata in Prythian it was in a region called the summer court everything was so warm..."
"It's time to push Queen Aelin" the healer began cutting back Aelins dress.
"Ready fire heart?"
"Let's get this over with Buzzard"
Rowan laughed and continued his story.
"... Adriata was a beautiful city instead of a king they had a high lord he valued his treasure the entire city was decked in gold..."
Aelins screams were met with a new one. A baby.
"It's a boy Your Majesties"
"Sam his name is Sam " Rowan smiled at Aelin.
Then the dreaded words came.
"Your Majesties something appears to be wrong I need another healer to assist."
Rowans world came crashing down as he summoned Gavriel.
"Rowan what's wrong?"
"We need another healer quickly"
Gavriel shifted and took off through the corridors a few minutes later Fenrys winnowed in with another healer who got straight down to business.
"Queen Aelin please push again"
Rowan was incredibly confused by this point Aelin was only suppose to have one child.
Aelins screaming continued for another fifteen minutes before another baby screaming pierced there ears
"Congratulations Your highnesses you have a daughter"
Rowan nearly passed out two children he could barely cope with one Aelin let alone to miniatures of her.
"Lyria- Evalin is her name" Aelin panted "please say that's all of them I feel like dying"
"Well done fireheart you were amazing"
Which was classically followed by a "that's what you said in bed last night" Rowan snarled half heartedly
The young healer let out a small laugh everyone looked at her
"I'm so sorry King Rowan I didn't mean to"
"It's fine if you hadn't Aelin would of"

Two weeks later Dorian, Manon And Chaol came visiting from Adarlan after receiving summons and no one had obviously told Chaol about the babies as he came running into Aelin kissing her and giving her a big box of chocolates.
"I knew you'd want to marry me I'll be a good king I promise" he then looked shocked when Aelin fell down and started laughing non stop till Dorian helped her back up.
"No Chaol your all here for a celebration ball we're hosting" Rowan walked forward with a pushchair and two bundles wrapped inside. Chaol was incredibly confused until Dorian said " Aw you make adorable babies Aelin but I thought you were due just one?"
"Allow me to introduce Crown Prince Sam Whithorn Galanthynius and his twin sister
Princess Lyria Evalin Whitethorn Galanthynius."

Juat a little mothers day special I thought of as a little treat
Happy reading
Kirstie xx

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