Chapter 11

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George's POV:

"Alright, so we've got another shipment of dungbombs arriving tomorrow. We've also got another order of shield hats for the ministry that we need to get filled." (G)

"We need to hire someone is what we need." (F)

"I'm with Fred on that. We're swamped at the rate we're going, aren't we?" (Lee)

I nod in agreement with them, the problem is finding someone who hasn't been scared off to work for us. We decide to post an advertisement for job openings to help with the shop. It's the best we can do at this point. Fred and I wave goodnight to Lee as he heads off on a date with Alicia. I know Fred is going out with Angelina later tonight but he usually won't mention it unless I ask. We walk upstairs in silence together but he stops me before we go into our separate rooms.

"George mate, come and have a drink with me and Angelina tonight." (F)

"Not tonight Fred, maybe next time." (G)

I walk into my room and shut the door before he has the chance to ask again or try to blackmail me into going. I hear him sigh from outside before walking into his room, with the Weird Sisters playing from his radio after a few minutes. I look at the picture of Kitty on my desk and trace her smile with my fingers before laying down on the bed feeling exhaustion sweep over me, the last cheering charm I cast on myself earlier disappearing from my system.

"One day Kitty, I'll find you and I'll tell you how sorry I am and how much I missed you." (G)

Kat's POV:

I was walking down Diagon Alley and could easily see  just how much it's changed. The wand shop looked abandoned, the ice cream parlor looked as if the owner put up a fight before being taken away, and all along the streets are sleazy looking vendors that look as if they could Dung a run for his money selling amulets to protect yourself from different dangers. I roll my eyes some as I keep my head down and my hood up, as I make my way toward their shop.

I didn't like this idea of working for them part time, though it gave me a reason to be near and even go down Knockturn Alley, but Dumbledore thought it would be good. I think he's being a bit of an old romantic, but I was too worried about not being able to do what the Order needed me to do to really argue with him on the matter.

I walked down the rest of the street, taking note of how people veered away from me, eyeing me warily as if I'm a danger because I'm alone. Of perhaps it's the hood that is causing them to watch me with a wary eye. I keep my head down focusing on the brick walkway, until I catch a glimpse of a bright neon yellow flashing sign. I look up and I'm right in front of Weasleys' Wizards Wheezes. The bright yellow flashing spelling out "Why are you worrying about You-Know-Who? You should be worrying about U-No-Poo-The constipation sensation that's gripping the Nation!"

I can't help the laugh that escapes my mouth, even if I know they are literally asking for trouble right now. I walk in and find that this is the only store that remains full of life, with younger students rushing about and parents talking among one another. I smile at the life and the bright colors that surround me, and then I see him. I know it's him and not Fred, he's helping out a couple of pranksters in training from the looks of it.

I spot Fred talking about fake wands to another small group, while Lee is working the register. I smirk some as I realize they really do need the extra help here. I force my feet to walk towards Fred, even though my heart is aching for George. I wait for him to finish his demonstration and tell them the price before I walk up behind him.

"Well Fred, you weren't kidding when you told me how busy y'all were, were you?" (K)

I watch as he turns and looks at me with a grin but a slightly confused look on his face. He looks at me once more before looking towards Lee and then George, probably wondering if he's being set up by one of them right now. I laugh a bit at the look on his face before I motion for him to move in closer.

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