Chapter 27

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George's POV:

Twelve days. That's how long she's been missing. The trio and Ginny have already gone back to Hogwarts with the break ending a few days ago. They each tried to say something to me before they left but even they couldn't find the words. I've been saying very little these past few days. Fred and I have been watching the coin in shifts to make sure we don't miss any messages from Kitty. Though the messages are getting shorter and shorter each day. She still says she doesn't know where she is, but I'm beginning to think she's lying to keep us safe.

Mum keeps making me eat something whenever I'm awake, but I've lacked an appetite these past few days. Lee's been working at the joke shop by himself with our other worker Charlie's help of course. Fred has gone once or twice to check on things, while I've stayed with the coin. Right now I'm playing with my soup, as Fred send the daily message to Kitty next to me. I watch as he taps the coin, but before he even finishes it starts lighting up, meaning that she's responding.

"What's she saying?" (G)

"Nothing, it's not a series of taps that we decided on. I can't tell if she's doing it on purpose or...." (F)

I watch as all of a sudden the coin goes blank. No more colors changing or anything. Fred tries tapping it a few times but then he suddenly drops the coin on the table. I watch as tears start falling from his eyes as he looks at me. I stand up from the table and walk backwards toward the wall, away from my twin with tears in his eyes.

He doesn't say anything he just gives me a short nod, as I feel my legs give out, falling to my knees on the kitchen floor. I'm not in control of my body or my mouth as I start to sob. She can't be, she just can't be. I just got her back, she can't be gone.

"NO! NO! KITTY!! NO!!" (G)

Fred's POV:

I knew what the coin going silent meant, Kat and I both knew it would only happen when she was dead. I tried telling Georgie in words but I couldn't and it seemed as if I didn't have too. He understood what my silence and my tears meant as he collapsed to his knees in front of me. I ran over to him, just as mum and Fleur came running into the kitchen. I saw mum open her mouth to ask what happened, but one look at George sobbing on the floor and she knew.

Tears start falling from mum's eyes as she walks to Georgie's other side and sits with him on the floor. He turns toward her and starts clutching her the same way we did when we were smaller and would have nightmares. Though I could never blame him for that right now, because we are living in our own nightmare. I watch as Fleur, with tears in her eyes, walks over to the stove and puts on a kettle. The Order will need to know that rescue efforts can be canceled, we were too late.

Kat's POV:

I misjudged where I was going while apparating and I ended up not in the front yard of the Burrow near the door, but at George's tree at the edge of the woods. I looked up and saw the Burrow silhouetted against the snow with the moonlight reflecting off of it beautifully. I try to take a few steps towards the Burrow but I fell to my knees before I could take a single step.

I watched and saw my blood land on the pure white snow, just as I started coughing up more blood. I can't tell if it's the rabbit's, or if all of the kicks to the stomach from Bellatrix has finally caught up to me. Either way it's not a good sign. I'm able to stop coughing long enough to look up from the blood covered snow, and in the distance I can just barely make out lights on in the Burrow. I grip my cut open side with my right hand, trying to keep some pressure on the cuts to stop the bleeding, while my left hand dangles by my side as it bleeds onto the snow.

I force myself to my feet and start staggering my way to the Burrow, hitting the ground a few times as my body finally begins to give out. At any other time I would laugh at this. The fact that I just survived twelve days with Bellatrix torturing me, and now I can't walk 200 yards to a door and safety. I make it in front of the house just as another coughing fit hits me, taking me to my knees as more blood lands on the snow. I feel my head start to spin, but I have to make it inside. I have to.

I finally make it to the door and with shaking hands I cast alohomora, unlocking the door as the light spills out into the darkness. I stagger in and see at least 15 people standing towards the door with wands drawn, but none of them hold my attention but one. I see him staring as if he's seen a ghost before he runs over to me just in time for me to collapse into his arms. I look up and meet his warm brown eyes with my silver ones, and I see tears start to fall onto his face.

"Kitty? You''re alive." (G)

"I missed you Georgie." (K)

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