Chapter 17

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George's POV:

It's been a few weeks since I went out with Fred and Lee. Needless to say I don't think they'll be asking me to go out again for a while. I woke up with a freshly broken heart and a headache that next morning. Over the past few weeks I've tried to start the letter to Kitty over and over again, with Fred telling me I have to send it eventually. But I still can't get the words to flow the way they're supposed to.

I'm not the only one that seems to be suffering though, Verity hasn't been looking very good these past few weeks. I wonder if it's because her boyfriend is a suspected Death Eater. She looks as happy as I do sometimes, and I've even seen her cast a cheering spell on herself every once and while. I can't blame her for that though, I still have to cast a few of them on myself depending on the day.

Today though, Verity seems more off than usual. She's been stumbling and tripping over things that normally never get in her way. I watch as she stumbles again a few feet in front of me and my reaction is to reach out and grab her before hitting the floor. I make sure her feet are steady on the floor before looking at her. I see her grey eyes fill with tears a bit as she looks at me and for some reason it makes my heart ache.

"Alright there Verity?" (G)

"Yes, Mr. Weasley. I'm just not sleeping too good at night, and I'm tired right now." (K)

"Here, take my keys and go upstairs and have a bit of a lie down on the couch upstairs. You're no good to us dead on your feet." (G)

"I'm fine Mr. Weasley I swear." (K)

"Please, when it's not in front of customers it's just George. Besides, the Christmas rush is all but over for the week, so I insist, now go." (G)

Before she can argue anymore I shoves the keys into her hand and walk away as quickly as I can. I smile a bit as I remember that Kitty used to always be tired around full moons and there is one tomorrow night. My heart aches to hold her in my arms again, and I realize that it's been over 8 months since I spoke with her last. I miss her more than I thought I could.

Kat's POV:

I smile a bit at his kindness and walk upstairs, barely making it as I go. I collapse on to the sofa and feel my eyes close as his scent surrounds me. I wish I had told him it was me. I wish his arms were surrounding me instead of just his scent. I miss him more now than when I didn't see him every other day.

George's POV:

"Sure you'll be ok by yourself tonight mate?" (F)

"I'll be fine. You two go now." (G)

I wave off Fred and Lee as they leave for their double date. I lock up the shop and put up the anti-theft alarms before climbing the stairs up to the loft. I pull out Kitty's ring from under my robes and let it lay on top of them, before I open the door. I hear a soft cry coming from the living room and I walk in to find Verity asleep on the couch, crying.

"Bloody hell, forgot about you didn't I?" (G)

She doesn't wake up when I whisper, so I go over to her and gently rub her shoulders only to have her sit up faster than I would have thought possible. As fast as Kitty used to sit up when she was having a nightmare. I watch as she takes a few deep breaths looking around the room before standing up in front of me, wringing her hands and looking at the floor. She reminds me of Kat more than usual right now.

"I'm sorry Mr. Weasley, you startled me." (K)

"Bad dream?" (G)

She doesn't answer out loud, rather she keeps wringing her hands together and looking at the floor. I let out a sigh as memories of me comforting Kitty after a bad dream hit me, and I find myself sitting on the couch. I know that I have tears building in my eyes and I attempt to choke them back so I won't cry in front of Verity.

"Are you alright Mr. Weasley? George?" (K)

"Just thinking about someone I used to know. She had a lot of nightmares too." (G)

"Old friend of yours?" (K)

"You could say that I suppose." (G)

"Well I guess I better get going." (K)

"Wait! Verity, would you like to stay and have dinner and chat a bit?" (G)

"Are...are you sure you want to?" (K)

"I've got eat, and I'm sure you do too. Might as well do it together." (G)

I watch as she shrugs a bit and follows me into the little kitchen. She offers to help but I just wave her off to sit at the little kitchen island while I get started. Fred and I watched mum cook dinner enough growing up we can make sure we won't starve. I turn to find her watching me intently and then she looks at Kitty's ring around my neck. I watch as her eyes seem to gloss over a bit before she looks away from me and out the window instead.

"Pretty ring. Is it from your friend?" (K)

"No. It was for my friend. My girlfriend but we......uh we didn't make it." (G)

"I'm sorry to hear that. Do you miss her?" (K)

"Every day." (G)

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't pry." (K)

"No it's fine. Fred's been trying to get me to talk about her for months now. I suppose it was just a matter of time." (G)

"What was she like?" (K)

"She was perfect." (G)

"That's hardly a description." (K)

"You're wrong about that. It's the only description she'll ever need in my mind she was perfect. Her laugh, her smile, her eyes when they sparkled whether they were blue, silver, or even red at the time. The way she could enjoy a good prank the same as Fred and me. The way she was kind, caring, and thoughtful. She was perfect and I lost her." (G)

"No chance that you could win her back?" (K)

I give a simple shrug as I finish the simple meal of spaghetti before placing a plate down in front of her and then myself. Pouring two glasses of butterbeer for us before sitting across from her at the table. We eat in silence though I can feel her eyes on my face. When the meal is done she gets up and does the dishes, even when I tell her not to worry about it. She thanks me for dinner before walking to the door and looking back at with a calculating look.

"You know, nothing is ever lost until you've given up completely. Write to her. See if she's willing to give you another chance. I would if I was her, but only if I got a letter." (K)

I watch as she walks out and then I hear the pop sound as disapparates home, wherever that might be for her. I run her words through my mind over and over again. There's something about her. There are moments when she reminds me of Kitty so much, but then there are moments when I know it can't be Kitty. But I begin to wonder what if Verity and Fred are right?

What if all I have to do is write Kitty a letter? If that's all I need to do to win a second chance with her I'll write her a letter for every day we've been apart. But first I need to write her the first one. If only my quill was as useful as my heart in putting the words down.

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