Chapter 28

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*************Moments before Kat appears in the Burrow**********************

George's POV:

"George, some members of the Order are on their way. Dumbledore included. Are you coming downstairs mate?" (F)

I give him a nod as I fix my shirt and grab my wand. We were holding a meeting tonight with the members that were planning a rescue mission for Kitty. Now we're.....I don't have a bloody clue what we're doing now and frankly I don't give a damn. It doesn't matter now, she's gone. My Kitty is gone. But if Dumbledore is going to be here I want him to know it's his fault she's gone. He should have never picked her when we all knew that you-know-who was after her. It's his fault she's gone from me.

"Wotcher George." (T)

"Ello Tonks." (G)

I feel her give me a loose hug and I feebly return it as we sit down at the kitchen table. Fred sits down on my other side as the other Order members arrive and sit down in the other chairs mum brought out. Kingsley, Remus, Mad-Eye, Dung, mum, dad, Bill, Fleur, Snape, Hagrid, and Dumbledore are here tonight.

I feel myself glare at Dumbledore as he looks at me with tears filling his eyes. He should cry right now. He should feel guilty for letting her die, him and Snape both. I feel my anger grow as I stare at him, while Fred tells everyone how the coin went silent which meant that Kitty was......was gone. I see Dumbledore start to say something but I interrupt him before he has the chance.

"It's your fault you crazy old fool! You and your pet Death Eater! You can't tell me Snape didn't know where he had her!" (G)

"George-" (Mrs. W)

"No Molly, he is right. I was the one that asked her to take the job, knowing full well that she would take it to protect others from taking it. Though I must say that Severus did not know that he had her at all. He has been unable to contact Voldemort over the holidays, and Voldemort has made no move to contact him either." (D)

"Yeah well-" (G)

"Everyone shut up! Listen!" (Mad-Eye)

I listen with everyone else, though my mind is still racing with words for Dumbledore. But then I hear what Mad-Eye must have heard to begin with. Loud wet sounding coughing, followed by slow footsteps up to the front door.

"Expecting anyone else Molly?" (Remus)

"No, everyone from our side is here." (Mrs. W)

Everyone pulls out their wand just as we hear a shattered, yet familiar voice unlock the door before they begin to open it. Wands are pointed toward the figure, but as she walks into the light, I drop my wand on the floor. I look at the silver eyes and fangs, the curly mattered brown hair, and the blood on her face and the rest of her body. She's looking only at me and I feel myself run towards her and catch her in my arms as she falls, before sitting down on the floor with her.

I look at her face and even with the bruising, the blood, and the cuts, she is the most beautiful creature I have ever laid eyes on. I feel tears start to fall down my face as she offers me a gentle smile full of love. I want to tell her I love her, that I missed her, and that I did everything I could to find her but none of that comes out.

"Kitty? You''re alive." (G)

"I missed you Georgie" (K)

Her voice was broken sounding as she whispered to me, and I held her closer to my chest. I brushed hair out of her face as I heard the others start moving around. I felt warmth against my shirt and I looked down to see that she was bleeding from her side. She's trying to keep pressure on it while gripping her wand tightly. I glance at her left hand and see that her tattoo was cut away, leaving her hand bleeding heavily on the floor. Oh my poor Kitty what did they do to you?

Fred offers to help me move her but I shake my head no as I hold her in my arms. I know she needs medical attention, but I'll be damned if she goes anywhere out of my sight ever again. He seems to understand as he instead wraps a cloth around her left hand to help stop the bleeding. She reaches a hand up and brushes a few tears off my face, smiling a bit until a racking coughing sound starts coming from her mouth.

She turns her head away from me, wrapping her arms around herself and pulling her knees up to her chest as she faces toward the floor and begins to cough up blood. I see Remus rush over with a cloth and place it over her mouth and hold it there for her, as she keeps coughing. I keep pressure on her side with one hand, while the other is still wrapped tightly around her.

I watch helplessly as she coughs up more and more blood, while gasping for breath, then I hear someone walk over next to me. I glance at the figure briefly and see that it's mum, with the most worried expression I've ever seen on her face before. She squeezes my shoulder but I return my eyes to Kitty as her coughing finally starts to slow.

"George, we have to get Katherine to St. Mungo's immediately." (Mum)

"NO!.........No, Georgie not.......not St. Mungo's they're....... watching it. Please not....... there they'll take me again......please....... please no-" (K)

I hold her tighter to my chest as she starts shaking and soon coughing again. I force my eyes away from her to see mum talking with the others, debating on where we can take her then. I lean close to Kitty and gently kiss her forehead as her coughing stops again for a moment, before I speak softly to Kat.

"Kitty, where would be a safe place to take you to get better?" (G)

"Ho-Hogwarts, please.......please take me to Hog-" (K)

I watch as her eyes close and her body goes limp in my arms. I look up and my eyes immediately find Dumbledore's. He gives a brief nod before Remus helps me up off the floor with Kitty still in my arms. I follow Dumbledore out the front door as he takes my elbow and we apparate right into the hospital wing.

I started to ask how he did that, but one look at Kitty and I don't care. I hear Dumbledore call for Madame Pomfrey as I lay her down gently onto the bed before sitting next to her, keeping her hand in mine as I gently rub my hand across her cheek.

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