Chapter 14

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George's POV:

I don't know what to say. I don't know what to write. The words just won't come out the way I need them to. I can't put into words on parchment how I felt, how I feel about Kitty. I can't find the way to tell her how much I miss her or how much I love her. I've been trying to write this damned letter since yesterday after work finished. It was another full moon yesterday, and I couldn't help but wonder if she was alright and if she was taking care of herself and hunting.

I've started at least a hundred letters since last night and each one is crumpled on the floor around me or were lit on fire in annoyance at my inability to write what I needed to. I just don't know how to tell her I'm sorry. I let out a groan of frustration as my head hits the desk. A few seconds later I hear a knock at the door and I know it's Fred.

"Hey George, come out with us tonight eh? Boys night. It'll be good for you. Might help with writer's block a bit." (F)

I feel myself start to decline but decide to go out with them for once. Maybe it'll get them to leave me be for a while after this. I tell him 'ok' before I change into a fresh shirt and pair of pants, before heading out into the living room. Fred and Lee are there, each with a tall glass of firewhiskey, with one waiting for me on the counter. I pick it up and down it in a few gulps, feeling the burn of my throat as it travels down.

"Well alright George, here have another." (Lee)

"Well gents, here is to a wonderful first few months of business. The galleons are rolling in, we're each making a steady paycheck, and our mum's are finally accepting the joke shop business. I'd say we did jolly good." (F)

"Here, here!" (Lee)

I force myself to smile some as we toast to Fred's little speech, all while downing another glass of the firewhiskey. The burn is less this time as it travels down, and I'm beginning to feel a bit lighter in my chest. I smile a bit as Lee fills a third glass for me, before Fred has the chance to stop him. I down it as well, while the other two finish their first glass.

"Well....booyssss are we gunna go out tonigh or wha?" (G)

"You bet we are. Club Maj is open tonight, the girls may meet us there though. That alrigh George?" (Lee)

"Course, course. Let's go!" (G)

I follow Lee out the door, stumbling just a bit and laughing at my clumsiness. I hear Fred ask me if I'm still alright to go out but I just brush him saying I'm fine. We walk out together and walk the two blocks down to Club Maj, and I hear an upbeat song from the Weird Sisters playing inside. I start nodding my head to the music as we're shown inside. When we get in I'm surprised by the number of people for a moment. Guess the 'mortal peril' as mum's clock calls it hasn't harmed their business any either.

I follow Fred and Lee to the bar and order another glass of firewhiskey, while Lee orders us a round of shots of some type. I smile and slap his back when he hands me mine before downing it and slamming the glass back down on the table just as my firewhiskey is handed to me.

"Hey George!" (A &A)

"Ello Alicia, Angelina. Ow are you?" (G)

I can't hear their answer as another loud song starts to play but they give me a thumbs up and a smile as the look at me. I return it as I start drinking my firewhiskey, while the others go to dance. I start to feel as if I've cast multiple cheering charms on myself and I can't help the laugh that escapes my mouth as I watch both Fred and Lee attempt to dance. Maybe coming out tonight was a good decision.

"Oi! Nother firewhiskey!" (G)

Kat's POV:

There is way too much noise for me to be in here and be happy, so I'm really faking it right now. I haven't decided which is worse, the fact that I'm in a loud, noisy, smelly club that is giving me a serious headache right now. Or the fact that I'm one a 'date' with one of the 'newest' Death Eaters, a man named Thorfinn Rowle.

I say 'newest' because his father was a Death Eater in the first wizarding war, but he wasn't old enough to join yet. He met me a few days ago in the Death Pub and insisted that I come out with him tonight. In an attempt to get more inside information, and not blow my cover, I agreed on tonight. Though he may be handsome with his blond hair and blue eyes, I can't help but cringe inwardly when he touches me. I remind myself why I'm putting myself through this torture, but it's getting harder and harder not to just quit.

Hogwarts school started back a few days ago, and Scar went hunting with me a few days ago on the latest full moon. Vik wanted to but he had a Quidditch match against Transylvania, and I'll be damned if he misses that game. I wanted him to win that one more than any other game, probably because of the clan there. I'm pulled out of my thoughts as Thorfinn's hand lands on my waist and he pulls me closer to him a bit.

I force a smile on my face, but every fiber in my being is screaming at me to get away from him and find George. What makes it even worse is that Fred, George, Lee, Angelina, and Alicia just walked through the doors. Great just what I need, another distraction from my mission tonight. Not to mention seeing him when all I want right now is to be with him, doesn't make my life easier right now.

Oh dear sweet Houdini just make me disappear right now. I force a laugh and a smile at Thorfinn's horrible joke he just made to his friends about Muggles, as I watch them from across the bar. They're all laughing and in cheerful moods it seems. However, it looks as if George is drunk. Interesting, I've never seen him drunk or even drink that much now that I think about it. I watch as he orders two firewhiskeys as he stands at the bar, laughing at Fred and Lee....dancing I think.

"Eh luv, come dance with me?" (T)

"Alright." (K)

I let Thorfinn take hold of my hand and keep myself from flinching away when he wraps his other arm around my waist when we get to the dance floor. I start dancing, forcing my body to remember that I'm undercover and I have to play the part. Though as Thorfinn's hands start to roam over by body, I feel as if I want to throw up on the dance floor. I take hold of his hands and force myself closer to him as I move my body to the music, keeping his hands within a range of movement.

After watching his hands and glancing at his face, which has a happy looking shine in his eyes, I look up to find George watching me with an almost lost look on his face. I listen to the music change suddenly to a slow song, one I recognize as the first slow song I ever danced to with George. Magic Works.

Thorfinn turns me gently around to my surprise and places one hand on my hip and takes my other into his. He smiles gently at me as we dance, and although my heart breaks that I'm not dancing with George, I can't help but wonder about the gentleness Thorfinn is showing. I suppose even Death Eaters can be gentlemen to women, when they want to that is.

"You know luv, I'm going to be sorry when this night ends." (T)

"Oh. Why is that?" (K)

"You'll see Verity." (T)

I feel myself tense a bit at his words, but his face holds no threat yet so I remain as I am, dancing with him. I hear the song fade into a faster one and I turn around and start dancing again, keeping his wandering hands from wandering too far. I glance towards the bar again and I spot Fred and George arguing with one another. George points to me and then to Fred as they argue and I begin to worry about what he's saying. I wish the stupid music was quieter so I had a chance to hear.

My heart begins to ache as I watch tears fall from George's eyes just as Fred looks my way. I watch as his eyes grow large but I just nod my head no, attempting to do it to the beat of the music. He seems to understand as both him and Lee put an arm around George and walk towards the exit.

I watch as they leave, both of them making sure that George doesn't fall over or do something stupid I suppose. Fred casts a final glance over his shoulder at me as they leave, meaning that my night just got a little bit longer. I know I'll have to go talk to Fred later tonight to see what George said but for now I need to focus on keeping up appearances, or I could very well get killed tonight.

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