Chapter 45

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Kat's POV:

I feel George and Fred both squeeze my hands as we apparate to Hogsmeade. His funeral is today, and I know that in a few months Harry, Ron, and Hermione will be leaving to hunt for Horcruxes. It was a job given to Harry, but I know that Dumbledore knew that the other two would be joining him. I can only hope that they will stay as safe as they can. I feel my heart grow heavy with each step that we take as we draw closer to the castle.

The sunlight is reflecting off the black lake, the birds are singing, the sky is crystal blue, and the wind is creating a peaceful breeze. It's almost as if nature herself is mocking us, mocking our loss as we lay to rest a dear friend, a mentor, and Hogwart's biggest protector. It's too beautiful a day to be a funeral, it really is. I watch as Fred embraces a tearful Angelina as we walk up to our friends, thankful that she has him to lean on for comfort. I can't imagine what I would be like without George by my side right now. We offer a sad smile and wave to Lee and Alicia sitting a few rows behind us before taking our seats.

I sit next to George, with Tonks on my other side sitting next to Remus. Though I'm overcome with sadness at the reason we're here today, I can't help but feel a lightness in my heart as I see Tonks holding hands with Remus. Maybe he did listen to me the other night after all. I glance around at all the miserable looking faces, seeing only one which only makes me angry, the ugly Toad herself. I hold back a scoff as she walks by, with a fake look of sadness on her toad face. I feel George squeeze my hand and I turn to look towards the small understanding smile he's showing me.

As the merpeople from below the surface of the Black Lake start to sing a farewell song of sorts to Dumbledore, Hagrid makes his way to the white stone table with his body. Wrapped in a purple cloth with golden stars, I smile a bit as it reminds of his crazy outfit he was wearing the first day I met in Hogsmeade. I never could have guessed how much my life would change when I met that crazy, yet brilliant old man. As much danger as I have been exposed to because of him, I shouldn't miss him nearly as much as I do. Yet, I can't imagine my life having never met the old genius.

I feel tears fall from my face as the service is given, watching through my tears as the tomb encases his body. I hear the sound of a baby beginning to wake from a nap and start crying, and I remember that Scar, Donovan, and little Dmitri are here today. I see the Centaurs, many of whom I've met in the forest during full moons, and made friends with, shoot arrows into the sky. It is the greatest tribute that they can provide for the fallen Headmaster, the greatest honor that their people have. A warrior's farewell to Dumbledore.

The funeral ends with as much sadness and heaviness in the air as it had when it began. Many people are leaving as quickly as they can, no doubt going into hiding or perhaps leaving the country in search of protection. Xander had told me a few days ago about the number of applications that have been received recently to be registered witches and wizards in the US, many of them previous residents of Britain. I can't blame them, for without George and the rest of my future family staying to fight, I would leave in a heartbeat.

I watch Harry pull Ginny aside as I stand with George, Tonks, and Remus. I know what he's about to do, and I know that she will wait for him and count the days until he is safe at home with her again. She won't try to persuade him out of his decision, but she won't pretend the danger isn't real. The danger is real for everyone I'm afraid, and I can feel it growing in the air with each passing day. I turn towards Tonks who offers me a grateful smile while gripping Remus's hand tightly. I hug them both before watching as they leave with one another. Remus nodding his head in thanks before they disapparate just outside the Hogwarts gates.

I feel myself let out a slow breath as my mind begins to reel with questions about what will happen in the coming months. People who have found love, will it survive the war that is coming? Which friends will be lost? Which family members? I'm pulled out of my troubling thoughts by a sound coming over the noise of the people around us. I hear the small baby, my godson, cry out again over the murmuring crowd and I search the crowd for Scar. I spot her a few rows back with Vik and Donovan, with little Dmitri in her arms.

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