~Chapter 3~

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(Y/N)'s POV

You smile. You are watching Mark's try not to smile video. You have already failed many times. Mark has just donated $1000 to a charity for dogs and you almost cried from happiness. You feel a pair of hand grab your shoulders.


You turn to see Jack behind you, smiling. You stare at his beautiful blue eyes and smile back. You pause the video and stand up in front of him.

"How's things doing Jackaboy?" You say in a playful tone.

"Just fine (Y/N)!"

His right eye flashes from blue to green then back to blue in a matter of seconds.

"Just fine" he says. You step back a little.

"J-Jack? What's with your eyes?" You ask, a little creeped out by this sudden change.

Jack's smile changes and his head twitches. He looks almost, evil. He grabs your arms and pulls you close. You try to pull away but you can't move a muscle.

"JACK! LET ME GO!" You scream. He smirks as his right eye changes to green again. He leans in close to your ear as you struggle to get out of his grip.

"I'm coming..." He whispers.


You wake up to your alarm. You open your eyes groggily, still half asleep. You still have your computer on top of you from editing last night.


You groan and punch your alarm. "Shut up..." You say to it.

You step out of bed and put your computer on your bedside table. You stand there for a minute, completely forgetting what you had to do today.

You wonder what that dream was about. Probably nothing. Just my mind trying to scare me You think.

You look at the time on your alarm clock, that is now on the ground. 8:30...
You still stand there. Then it hits you.


You yell in your head. You run out to your kitchen and put some toast in the toaster, then run back to your room and grab a shirt and pants from your drawers. You throw them on and pack your two pairs of headphones, Nintendo DSi and DS games. You also take your phone off the charger and put it in your pocket.

You hear your toast pop up and run out to it. You grab the cinnamon and put a small teaspoon of it on the toast. You smirk and decide to take a selfie with it. When you do, you post it on Instagram with a caption that says,

'Delicious breakfast of Cinnamon Toast! :3 Stay toasty @cinnamontoastken'

You eat your toast quickly and grab your bags. You shove them in the back of your car and go back inside to get your laptop and phone. You run to your car as your phone buzzes. It's a comment on your photo. You open your phone and see that it's from Ken.
'NUUU! You're eating my family!!! WHY?! :P'

You laugh and put your phone back in your pocket as it connects to the Bluetooth in your car. It instantly starts playing your music.

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