~Chapter 8~

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You're sitting at a brown, 'Basic Table' as PJ likes to call it, working on your recent video. You have recorded a vlog with Felix, PJ, Marzia and all the staff including Jamie, Louis and Sophie.

The pugs are there to, sitting at your heels as you work. You smile as Edgar sneezes and Maya glares at him, having been awoken from her sleep so suddenly. You have your headphones plugged in, listening to your songs on shuffle. "Nina" by Ed Sheeren has just finished playing and you wait in silence for the next song. A song you recognise comes on.

Wapssh! Top of the morning to ya laddies! My name is Jacksepticeye!
Top of the mornin'!
My name is Jacksepticeye!

It hits you hard in the middle of your chest. You had nearly forgotten.

It's been a year since the incident.

You lean back in your chair and sigh, remembering everything.
The eyes. The glare. The grin.
The blood.
("The blood was the most vivid memory of all" ~ Only Dan and Phil fans would get that reference. Haha. Hello to any of them :D)

You skip the song. You push the thought away and get back to work. No more music today.

~Le TIMESKIP – Brought to you by SHUDDUP CHICKENS~

You finally finish editing the video after hours of work. You export it to an MP4 file and close your laptop, leaning back in your chair. You sigh heavily, relieved that you've finished another day of work. You couldn't stop thinking about the incident while editing, so it's not your best work, but it's good enough.
You get lost, deep in thought about everything. How long it's been since you've seen them. Mark and Jack. You miss their beaming faces, their hugs, their humour, them. You can't seem to get them out of your head.

You lean back just a little more and your chair tips back. You make a half squeal before you stop falling. You open your eyes which have been squinted shut from the quick fall, and see PJ's face. He laughs.

"That was a close one." He says and laughs again. He lifts your chair back upright while you get off it and start packing your bag to go home. You unplug your laptop and phone chargers, and put them in your bag. You look up at PJ who is looking down at you with a smile. You look away quickly and keep packing your bag. Well, fiddling around really. You have nothing else to pack other than your phone and laptop, and they're on the table. You feel PJ crouch down next to you.

"Hey. Are you alright (Y/N)? You're quieter than usual. Anything you need to talk about?" He asks as he puts a hand on your shoulder.
You want to tell him. He knows what happened a year ago, in full detail too. But for some reason, you want to tell him everything again. You keep fiddling with your bag.

"It's fine PJ. Just remembered something. That's all. I'm fine." You tell him.

He obviously knows what you're talking about because he mumbles "I'm sorry" in your ear after a few seconds of silence. You let him hug you for a second before you get up and grab your laptop and phone. You take your phone and put it in your pocket and shove your laptop in your bag. You give PJ a grateful half-smile and he gives a small smile of some kind. You can feel all the emotion in it though. It's like one of those,
'Hey-I-feel-sorry-for-you-and-I-want-to-talk-about-it-but-I'm-going-to-respect-you-and-let-you-do-whatever-you-want-to-do-please-talk-to-me' lip twitches.
You instantly fall into him and let your head sit on his shoulder. He hugs you back and you stay there for a while in silence. Eventually you pull away and whisper "Thank you". He smiles. You smile back.

PJ has been your best friend pretty much since you met him.
You lived in your room for a few months, doing nothing but sleeping, eating, and playing video games. That is before PJ visited one day.

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