~Chapter 9~

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(Y/N's) POV

You've bought the tickets, you've packed your backpack, and now you're at the airport, strutting through the halls like you own the place. You stride down the long stretch of concrete, towards Boarding Station 47.

44, 45, 46,

You walk into the small room at take a seat near the window. It's raining outside. Of course it is, it's England. You plug in your headphones and almost click shuffle on your music. You flinch, because of yesterday. You click shuffle anyway. A small piano riff begins playing.

The lyrics begin. You listen

Open the slits in your face and start your day
You don't have much time to make your slits look just right

I'm in your mind
I'm singing
I'm in your mind
I'm singing la-da la-da la-da la-da la-da la-da da

You're reminded of Jack. You seem to compare everything to him these days. You think of him now, struggling with Anti. You feel bad for him. You look out the window at the rain and keep listening.

{Pause the song. You'll need the next verse later}

Jack's POV

I'm staring at the ceiling of my cell, lying on my bed. I sigh heavily. It's about mid-day outside but feels like midnight to me. I've been lying here for what seems like forever. What could be wrong with my apartment? What's happening if it's not Anti? I've been thinking about this for the last 3 hours.

I suddenly see a cloud shaped... think on the roof. Not a cloud really. It's more of a large puff of smoke or something, yet it has colour. It comes closer to me, until I realise that it's not a cloud, or smoke. It's a vision. Maybe having Anti inside of me has it's advantages.

I see an airport, much like any other if you ask me. I am about to touch the top of the roof, but instead, I fall through it. I see a waiting area, full of people waiting to board a plane. One person takes my interest most.

(Y/N) is sitting near the window, looking at the rain. She has her headphones on, yet I can hear everything she's listening to. She's thinking about me. I smile slightly. So she hasn't given up.

The first verse has just finished I suspect, as it moves to a piano riff and then the next verse.

Look in the mirror and ask your soul if you're alright
Put on the glitter that your soul hides behind

I feel as if I'm speaking to her. Or at least the song is. Her eyes become cloudy, as if she's going to cry.

You're in my mind
I'm singing
You're in my mind
I'm singing la-da la-da la-da la-da la-da la-da da

Tears form in her eyes and her once straight-faced mouth has curved into a frown. I remember this song. I know the lyrics. She needs to know that I still care. That she needs to worry not about me, but about herself. I sing softly in her ear.

(Y/N's) POV

You hear someone's breath tickling the inside of your ear. You turn to see that no one is there. You hear someone singing.
Jack is singing.

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