~Chapter 10~

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Heyo! First, sorry for the huge delay and second, brace yourself for a HUGE chapter! It takes up like a quarter of my Word Document. That's why it took so long... Anyway, ENJOY THE FINAL CHAPTER!!!!!

(Y/N's) POV

He's here. He's alive. But he can't be, can he?

He mutters something that you can't make out and hugs you tight. You haven't felt a hug like this in a long time. Warm, meaningful. But not Mark-Like? Then you realise, he's a lot skinnier that he was before he died. Before you thought he died anyway. You hug him back, gobsmacked, that he's actually here.

You feel a heavy weight drop onto your shoulder. Mark's head is now leaning on you, crying into your shoulder and upper arm. You stroke his back slowly and 'shh' him. He sobs for a while before you speak up.

"M-mar..." You can't say anything. You burst into tears, and you both hold each other up. You both fall to the ground on your knees, hugging each other, never wanting to let go. After hours at least, you can finally say something.

"How are you alive..?" You whisper. He doesn't move for a second, before he stands up. He helps you up by the hand and walks you to the trapdoor. You begin to walk down to the steps that are leading into darkness. You flinch, but Mark pulls you into the downstairs area. You wonder how there even is a downstairs area, since this is the 4th floor of the apartment building. Probably Anti's doing.

Mark stops, in pure darkness and you lean closer to his side. A light flickers on and blinds you. You squint until you get used to the light. You find yourself looking at some kind of tiny flat, complete with a small bed, a bathroom, and a small shaft in the wall.

"The shaft is where food and water came through every morning, noon and night." Mark says, his voice grumbly. You can tell that he hasn't talked in forever. You nod and follow him to his bed. You both sit on the edge of it.

"Jack woke me up at about 1 in the morning the night I 'Died'." He explains, making quotation marks with his hands.

"His eyes were green like they were when we came back from the coffee shop, and I knew something was up. Before I could say anything, something levitated me from my bed and I couldn't move. He flew me to his room and the force pinned me against the wall. He walked over with a grin and laughed. He said "Time to die Mark" and I somehow squeezed a... gurgle? Out of my throat, before he threw me under his bed and through the trap door. I've been here ever since. I pace around a lot as well. Lately, the darkness has gotten to me so sometimes I hit the ceiling, hoping for someone to come..." he finishes sadly.

He pulls something out from below his pillow. It's his phone.

"But this here, is how I survived." He said, holding it up. "Anti must have forgotten that I always had my phone in my pocket, even when I sleep. And I didn't need a charger, because there's some sort of electrical charge flowing through this room I guess, and I couldn't call or text you because there's no signal here but there IS WiFi so I was mostly seeing what was happening on YouTube and Twitter but it wouldn't let me post anything and-" You cut him off by covering his mouth. There's silence.

"I don't need all the nitty gritty details Mark." You tell him, taking your hand away from his mouth. He gives a small grin and rubs his neck.

"Haha." He laughs nervously. "Same old me I guess..." You smile at him, tears coming to your eyes once again. You and him hug again, and stay there for 10 minutes before he asks,

"How long have I been here?"

The question strikes you as unknown. It had been at least a year hadn't it? You think hard about the question. You're about to tell him, over a year when a voice speaks to you.

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