~Chapter 7~

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Jack's POV

During the court case, I hardly heard anything but Anti, convincing me that killing Mark was a good thing. I kept trying to block it out, thinking about calling out, screaming for someone, anyone. But for what? To convince people I'm even more crazy than they think I am now? No.

So I sat there, feeling Anti shuffling around inside me, making me go mad. I tried to keep a straight face, yet my lips kept shaping into this sly grin. I hate it. I hate him. What the hell did I ever do to him? He's just a pest, worse than a fly or a cockroach. Worse than 10 billion of them, crawling into my house, in my drawers and my food.
So much worse.

Eventually, the judge asked (Y/N) to stand up and tell everyone everything that had happened.
She did just that.
I hated hearing it all again.

2 days.
This had all happened in 2 days. All this twisted shit had all happened in 2 fucking days.
I started shaking a little with rage, the grin still plastered on my face. Now they'd really think I'm mad.

I am mad I guess. A spirit possessing me from time to time, twitching, that stupid grin. Jesus the grin. This may sound strange, but the grin is the thing that annoys me most. Sure, I smile all the time, but this grin just doesn't feel right. Obviously. It's a spirit's grin so why would it feel right?

Anti keeps crawling around inside me.
The only thing keeping me from lashing out, breaking free from myself and this damned room, is (Y/N's) pleading. Her shaky voice.
She begins to tell about Anti. She doesn't say his name, but she explains what He's doing to me. Everyone stares at her, then me, then back at (Y/N) again. They think I've told her to say this, or she's just as mad as me. Felix looks at her sympathetically, knowing that no one is going to believe her. She goes on, beginning to cry. I feel my grin begin to drop, replaced with a straight face. A burning sensation appears behind my eyes. A single tear makes it's way down my face.

A tear. Is it mine? Or Anti's? Both? I have no way of knowing. But I'm happy that one of us has broken, at least for a little while.

(Y/N) finishes her explanation and sit down, sinking into Felix's arm. I watch her. We make eye contact. For a second, I almost see a smile come to her face. That is, until Anti gets back at it again. My thoughts fill with his voice, telling me different things. I can't even understand them, yet they drive me crazy. (Y/N) puts her head on Felix's chest and hides like a small child, comforted by his touch.

I suddenly have the urge to jump out of my seat and take Felix's head off with a mallet. I shake my head as a chill runs down my spine. I try to push the thought away, but Anti just keeps hitting it back at me. I scowl and squint my eyes shut, fighting the urge.

My arms are lifted by the men at my sides, and I'm escorted out of the room. The case can't be over yet can it? One of the men lets go and opens a door and hangs behind. I hear him grumble something and some more feet join our party. Probably the police, ready to shoot my right smack in the head.
Well Anti. You've gotten what you've wanted have you? You've ruined my YouTube career, my friendships, my chance with (Y/N) and let's not forget my whole life.

Are you fucking happy you freaking-

I don't finish the sentence. I'm now strapped to a chair, looking straight at Felix. When did that happen?

Felix has a sort of glow about him as always. He seems to be happy to see me. I don't understand why though. Didn't I kill one of his best friends?

"Hey." He says, unsure.

"Hey" I return. There's a silence.

"You holding up okay?" He asks.

"More or less." I reply quickly. The voices are telling me to lunge at him, and I'm holding back from the urge with all the will power I have left. He notices. He just looks me dead straight in the eye and examines me. He doesn't normally do that. I must be getting really bad.

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