~Chapter 4~

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Anti's POV

Jack falls to the ground, unconscious. I grin and take my air form. His breathing is limited so it will be tricky to take over him.

I will need to at least get in there and wake him up, before I can do anything.

I time my entry precisely and fly into his open mouth when he breaths in. I zoom down his throat and through tones of tubes, until I reach his brain. I merge myself with his nerves and get his body to move.

He walks unconsciously to his room and onto his bed, to make it seem like what had happened was just a dream. Now the fun begins...

Jack's POV

I jolt awake on my bed, sweat beading on my forehead. I breathe a sigh of relief.

It was just a dream...

I check my alarm clock and see that it is 4:47. I wasn't out for too long. I sit up and drape my legs over the side of my bed. Then I hear something.

It sounds like... Running water...

I get off my bed and swiftly run to the bathroom. I stop in the doorway to see the cup in the sink, with the tap still letting water pour out of it. My eyes widen as I stare at the tap. That's the cup I used in-

"Hey Jack! You nearly done in there?" Mark yells. I'm awoken from my trance and my head flicks sideways to where Mark's voice just came from.

"U-uh... Yeah! Just thirsty!" I yell back at him. I walk over to the tap and turn it off quickly.

I walk back to my room and close my door. I breathe in and then freak out. I start pulling my hair and screaming silently. I stub my big toe on the edge of my bed during my panic and hop around like an idiot. I bump into my wall and fall back onto my bed.

"Sh**!" I yell. "Sh** sh** sh** sh** sh**!" I hold my toe and bend over, trying to stop the pain. My door opens and Mark and (Y/N) come in.

"Hey Jack. You okay bro?" (Y/N) asks.

"U-um... Yeah... I'm fine..." I trail off, not wanting to talk about what happened a minute before.

"Are you sure?" (Y/N) asks, knowing that I'm lying.

"Yeah. I'm good." I tell her, not too sure myself.

"Alright. But if you need to talk, just tell me. Okay?" She tells me as she leans down and hugs me. She rests her chin on my shoulder. My face and neck become a little hotter.

"Y-yeah. I-I will. Thanks." I tell her, stuttering like an idiot. She stands up and smiles at me. I smile back, trying to act normally. She walks out of my room. I look at my feet, my toe still hurting.

"Jack..." Mark sits down next to me.

"What's up buddy?" He asks, putting his arm on my shoulders and leaning on me, making me lean to the side a little. I chuckle.

"It's okay. You can tell me. It won't slip out." Mark smiles at me. I look up at him, and I can tell, that he's telling me the absolute truth.

"W-well..." I say, becoming silent.

"Jaa-aack." Mark says, sounding like a 10-year old. I grin and laugh slightly.

"I-its..." I quickly decide between talking about Anti or (Y/N).

"About (Y/N)..." Mark fist pumps and whispers,

"Called it". I smile and make a pouty face at him. Mark puts his hands in an 'I surrender' position.

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