CHAPTER 3 edited

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I nodded, "Um I think I started training around nine and after thirty minutes or so Ebisu-San dismissed me and I was wondering around the village until I met you," I answer, "I kinda wanted to train a bit more though, I was expecting to do something more complicated,"

The silver haired jounin looked at me strangely before examining me, "Are you interested in learning a different jutsu then?" He question making my eyes sparkle.

"Would you, Kakashi-San! I feel like I still have a bit of energy left!" I ask happily as the man nods at me



"This jutsu is a kind of like the advance jutsu of the clone jutsu, it's called the shadows clone jutsu or Kage Bunshin no Jutsu. It's similar to the clone technique and creates clones though the clones are actual copies and not illusions," I explain to the fascinated looking brown haired girl, "When you do the jutsu your chakra has to be evenly divided among all the clone or it won't be successful."

I finish explaining making the young girl nod furiously, "That's amazing! So since its not a illusion it could actually fight against a enemy during a battle?" Yuzuki asked making me smile at her enthusiasm to learn.

"Yes and no, it can fight during a battle but if it gets a fatal injury it will disappear, I suggest to use the jutsu when your trying to catch the enemies attention but its too dangerous for yourself to go," I explain, as I pat her on the head.

"Do you want to try now?" I ask watching how the cheerfully attitude of hers got serious.

"Um, Kakashi-San can I see you do it first, I feel like I could do a better job if I watch," Yuzuki explained shyly making me nod.

I did the hand sigh and twenty or so of me popped out surrounding us.


I give her a close eye smile, "Now you try," I encourage as I lean against a large tree.

She closed her large brown eye as she placed her hand together. Strangely I couldn't see her chakra so I quietly slid off my hea band opening my left eye. My eyes widen seeing then bright white chakra travel through her body evenly. My eyes then narrowed taking all the details in, chakra was suppose to be blue but her chakra was white.

My eyes widen even more as I watched Yuzuki do hands signs so fast I barely could see.

"Kage bunshin no jutsu," she whispered making the area be surrounded by smoke.

I quickly slid my hitaiate back on and wait for the smoke to disappear. My eyes caught the brown haired girl and she's not alone. Three clones stood next to her with a tired look. My eyes trailed each of their features, almost perfect, but it has some flaws... Though still they were solid clones.

"I did it," Yuzuki muttered as she fell on her butt making the three clones crouch down next to her.

I stare at the three clones highly impressed by the young girls ability. She was able to make three shadow clones on the first try, but I concluded she didn't have a great amount of chakra, good control but little amount of it.

"Good job Yuzuki, I don't know anybody genin or lower except you and another guy who could do the shadow clone jutsu," I complement making the girl smile lightly.

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