CHAPTER 10 edited

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The loud sound of metal meeting metal made me snap my eye open in alarm. I quickly looked around for harm but sighed in relief when I saw Naruto and Sasuke sparing. Even after I came to Konoha I never could sleep peacefully, the smallest noise made me alarm and wake up.

Clearly, Sasuke had an upper hand, the other blonde ninja was covered in dirt, his orange jump suit ripped in few area.

I stood up from where I was leaning on the tree and stretched. I winced when I felt my joints crack and move slightly. That nap definitely was good, the tiredness I felt earlier was gone.

"Ah, looks like sleeping beauty is finally awake," I hear from behind. I turn around and smile at the silver haired jounin.

"Uh huh, it was nice, it feels like I slept for days! How long was I out Kakashi-San?" I questioned yawning.

"Only for few hours, we'll be going to lunch soon and then we'll come back and train."

I opened my mouth but was stopped hearing a long groan.

"Agh! Dammit!"

I look back where the two genin were training and see Naruto stuck to the ground, kunais piercing his clothes.

Sasuke had a smug smirk on his face while he twirled a kunai with his finger.

"Get me out, lemme go, you dobe! I swear I'm gonna kill you!" Naruto screamed his face red with anger and frustration.

Sasuke turned around and walked away making Naruto scream out his name.

Sasuke looked back with a stoic look, "Hn, you should try to get yourself out, it's also training to be a good ninja."

Kakashi-San who completely ignored the two boys bickering closed the book he was reading and put it into his jacket pocket, "Well, let's go eat lunch, where do you guys want to go?" Kakashi questioned.

"Ichiraku!!!" Naruto cried with drool coming from his mouth. I sweat dropped seeing he quickly stopped fighting with a Sasuke when he heard lunch.

Sakura who was standing next to me grew an anime vein and glared at Naruto, "No! That's the only place you want to go!"

I looked down at my hands, I kind of wanted to go to Ichiraku, I had a feeling ramen would be great.

"Um," I spoke up, "I kind of want ramen, it is delicious there..." I shyly say still looking at my hands.

"Ichiraku it is!" Sakura called and happily hooked her arms with mine.

Kakashi and Sasuke sweat dropped while Naruto cheered from where he was pinned.


"Yuzuki-chan! What are you going to eat?" Naruto questioned as he slipped on his white shirt, the blonde finally was able to escape the kunai that pierced his clothes, though his orange jacket that he wore everyday were too torn up he had no other way but to throw it away.

"Um, I'll have what you have, Naruto. You seem to know what to order," I smile at the energetic blonde as I walked beside Sakura and Kakashi-san.

Naruto grinned happily at me and nodded fiercely, "Believe it! I know the menu by heart, I'll pick the best Ramen they have!"

I smiled nodded before hesitantly looking back and to give Sasuke a worried look.

The dark ravened haired teen was walking behind us stoically while he had his hand in his pant pockets.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2014 ⏰

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