CHAPTER 4 edited

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The two jounin sitting at the tabled let a sigh of relief as they saw the awkwardness disappeared from the girl.

Kakashi and Asuma both noticed the sigh they both let out and looked at each other.

"Your getting fond of her aren't you?" Asuma questioned making the silver haired jounin slump.

"Isn't it the same for you?" Kakashi questioned back making the other jounin sigh.

"It sure is,"



"Bye guys! I had such a good time!" I waved as Kakashi-San carried me to Hokage-sama's office.

"Thanking for treating me for dinner Kakashi-San! And you introduced me to new people, and they're my age!" I giggle happily as I wrapped my arm around Kakashi-san's neck.

"No problem, you surely were laughing and smiling a lot, are you just happy you met new people?" He questioned making me smile lightly.

"Kind of, it's actually was my first time in life having a proper conversation with someone around my age, at my, um old village the adults never let their kids around me because they said I was filth," I mutter with a sad smile.

Kakashi-San looked at me with a sadden look before ruffling my hair with his free hand, "Well kiddo, now that you're in Konoha you can talk to anybody you want freely."

I nodded and placed my cheek against his large back with a sigh. I tiredly blinked few times before yawning loudly making Kakashi-San chuckle.

"Yuzuki, you can sleep, I'll safely take you to the Hokage-sama's office, you worked out hard today and you deserve it,"

I weakly nodded before muttering a goodnight before closing my eyes and enjoying the swaying while Kakashi-San walked. Soon enough I felt a peaceful feeling inside me and willingly let the dreamless darkness envelope me.


I chuckled feeling the short browned hair girl go limp on my back, her breathing was even and her fingers that were dangling by my chest twitched every other seconds.

Asuma was right, I was getting attached to this child. She had a tough past, but she was strong willed and kind. A perfect character for a Ninja, she also treasure friends dearly because her past of not having friends.

I lazily walked up the stairs that led to Hokage-sama's office while reading my Icha Icha Paradise with my empty hand that I wasn't carrying Yuzuki with. As I reached the top of the stairs I walked though the hallways that led to his office.

Giving a knock on the door I walked in putting my book in the pocket of my best.

"Kakashi," Hokage-sama acknowledged as he looked up from the paper work.

"Hokage-sama I brought Yuzuki," I whisper as I walk to his desk still carrying the light girl.

"Is she ok?" Hokage-sama questioned with a worried look. He points at a sofa in the corner.

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