Ch 3: Followed

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Hello. First week back in school and my teacher's all decided to throw more homework and tests at me. I won't be uploading often or even reading. I haven't been able to add Wattpad into my schedule L so just as you might have already guessed this chapter is badly edited. I hope you don't mind; I hope you enjoy this chapter.

The next morning I woke up bright and early. I changed into my light green dress on my own, I put Annabelle's coat over my shoulders and I picked up Phillip's coat and stepped out of the cold dark room. I headed towards the courtyard where my sister was buried. I was walking in the dark and then I began to hear someone sobbing; I turned around startled. There was no one behind me and then I started to go down the corridor and I finally turned to face the courtyard; that was when I saw my mother sitting there in her nightgown and robe just sobbing at sister's grave. She looked like she hadn't slept in hours; I stood frozen for a minute but then I quickly tip toed behind a large curtain. My mother had obviously heard some shoes clacking and she looked up and wiped her tears. She turned and she didn't see anything; I didn't want to give away my secret exit so I decided it was best to run back to my room.

I quickly skid out of sight my mom must have caught a glimpse of Annabelle's coat because she gasped loudly and yelled "Annabelle come back!" I continued to run down the hall; my mom had gotten up and I could hear her footsteps because they were loud. I quickly ran into the service working area; everyone here woke up before five. I walked in and I quickly placed my coat and Phillip's coat on the counter; I stood there and I laughed with the chefs for a while and then I heard my mom's footsteps trump through the hall. I took a quick breakfast and I stood there for a long time. Finally when I was convinced that everything was safe my mother came into the kitchen looking crazy and confused. I quickly knocked over the coats into an empty basket. I walked over to her looking concerned.

"Are you okay?"

"I just saw Annabelle." her eyes were quickly scanning the room and then she buried her face into her hands, and she began to sob. Then my father came into the room and walked over to her.

"What happened?" my father sounded angry and his eyes were red and I could see the veins almost bursting out.

"She says she saw Annabelle." I looked down at the floor and then around the room. All of the chefs had left the room. I stood there taking in my father's intense stare. He turned around and took my mother's hand and they walked out of the kitchen. I could sense that he despised me; he always had ever since that day. I wasn't sure what I had done to deserve this but I continued to pretend I didn't care. I grabbed a few slices of bread and then I wrapped the coats in my arms. I went down the same hall that I had gone down earlier; I stopped when I saw that the courtyard was surrounded by guards; my mother and father were sitting in the middle.

I quickly turned and then I headed down towards the north wing in some weird way the north and south wings connected and once I got around the courtyard I would be able to head down the hall that would lead me to the exit. After what felt like thirty minutes of walking I finally reached the hallway where the exit was located in. I walked towards the door silently; once I reached it I opened the door and I stepped inside. I made sure that the door closed completely and quietly. I slowly and carefully walked down the stairs I couldn't see the steps but I continued downwards. Finally when I reached the bottom I saw the outline of the door, I headed towards it. I opened the door and let the light shine in. I stepped outside and saw the guards standing at the windows of the south wing that were facing the field. There was no way I could just cross the field without the guards noticing me. I put my sister's coat on my back and I pulled up the hood. I held onto Phillip's coat tightly and I slowly walked out the door and headed around the wall to the other side. I crossed the field and headed towards the forest; and when I was safely hidden in the trees I began to head towards the town. There was lots of fog in the forest but I continued to stroll along the side of the forest until I reached the large wall that separated the town and the palace. The only way up was through the stairs; I still couldn't cross because the guards hadn't moved to be exact, more guards had joined them. So I turned and headed deeper into the forest I looked around and followed a faint dirt trail that seemed promising. I followed the trail and it became wider as I continued to go through. I finally heard my shoes step on stone and I smiled as I looked forward and saw a stone road. I walked up a small hill and then I saw a boy about my age hanging around on a lamp post. This must have been the lamp post that the man had been talking about the other day. I walked in the direction of the lamp post and then I began to pass the boy. He stepped in front of me and then looked into my eyes. His green eyes were emotionless. My heart froze when he stood before me.

"Why did you come out of there?" he asked.

"I got lost and then I started to follow a path." I stepped back and looked towards the bottom of my coat.

"Really? Where were you coming from?" I felt myself get stiff the only thing that came from that direction was the palace. I couldn't let him know that I was coming from the palace.

"Marie?" I heard a deep voice call out from behind the boy. I peeked around the green eyed boy to find Phillip standing in the snow in a small coat that obviously didn't fit him. I walked around the green eyed boy and handed Phillip the coat that I had in my arms. My neck felt cold and I didn't like that I couldn't see what the green eyed boy was doing.

"I think it's about time I gave this back." I gave him a quick smile; he took his coat and put it on; it was obvious that he felt warmer in the coat. He smiled back and then turned to face the boy. I took this as an excuse to turn back and look at him to study his movements closely.

"What are you doing out here so early Charlie?" Phillip asked.

"Why is it any of your concern?"

"It isn't I was just wondering."

"Then stop wondering." Charlie turned around and headed down the small dirt and stone path. I turned back to see Phillip staring at me.

"So... other than the obvious. Why are you here?"

"It's too cold. You needed your coat back."

"You're right. I did need it; I missed this coat too." he touched one of the sleeves then he placed his hands back into the deep wool pockets. "Would you like to get some tea with me?"

"Sure." We began to head down the main road. I could feel a strange dark presence coming from behind me I quickly turned around to see Charlie starring down at us. He was the same boy that had been staring at me when I was inside the coat shop. He didn't seem very friendly so I tried to ignore him.


After a few minutes Phillip walked me over towards the fountain where he left me standing speechless... again. He walked away towards the coat shop and waved good bye. After he had disappeared into the crowd I headed down the flower adorned stairs. I walked across the field now that the guards weren't peering out the windows. I quickly crossed the field; I could feel a few cold chills run down my back when I felt a pair of eyes on me. I walked around the palace wall and I slid the heavy wooden door open. I slipped in and I felt all of the tension lift off of my shoulders I headed upstairs and then I quietly slipped into the palace. I walked around through the north wing ensuring that no one would know where I was coming from. Once I reached my room I put down my sister's jacket.

"I know where you've been." I heard a soft voice say as I tucked in Annabelle's coat into the back of my wardrobe. I quickly turned around to find Clarice. She was standing at the door. I hadn't heard her when she came in; that must have meant that she was already inside of my room waiting for me.

"Then please tell me where I was today." I wasn't about to give Clarice information that she didn't know. So I decided to test her before giving her a real answer.

"You were having tea with a young man. You were in the town. I want to know how you got out."

"No." I closed the wardrobe harshly. "No." I turned away from Clarice and I walked over towards my vanity. I starred at myself in the mirror my lips were pale due to the cold and fear of my only exit being discovered.

"I won't tell anyone." Clarice came closer and she reached out for me. Clarice was my oldest maid if I have to say. She was also my friend; I always told Clarice everything but not this time. I couldn't risk anything. "I'm only telling you this because if you're not using a secured exit then..." she looked around the room. "Someone could follow you into the palace and you will regret ever setting foot outside of the palace." she looked at me with worried eyes. "I need to know so that guards will be posted at that exit!" I could tell that she was fighting back tears; Clarice was always fearful of things. She could never relax, she always over thought. I wasn't really like her I usually under thought; but I was still not going to tell her about my exit.

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