Ch 5: Trapped

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Hello! Happy Monday; last week was complete shit so I hope this week is better. I'm not here to rant; so I hope you enjoy this chapter.This chapter is kind of heavier than the past few. Just skip the dugeon part if you must. Please excuse the mistakes. Leave me a comment or maybe two. Enjoy!

Last night I had failed to tell my mother how I had managed to escape the riot and enter the palace. So as a punishment I was locked up in my room; I wasn't allowed to leave until I gave her "answers" but I had a plan. Today after supper I would run out to the south wing and take off. I was thinking of hiding at Phillip's for a while and then getting a ride out of the kingdom. My parents didn't need an heir; the kingdom was going to collapse before my coronation.

The riot had continued all through the night and the commoners had ambushed the cavalry and stolen their weapons. The had also hacked into the barracks and stolen gun powder. If my parents had any sense they would have removed the taxation or moved out of the palace. Luckily none of the rioters had ventured towards the south tower. That would have been unfortunate...

"Marie!" the large wooden doors slammed open my mother came barging in and she was almost as red as the blood that stained the town center. "How dare you!" She was now inches away from my face, she was pointing an accusing finger at me. Then all of a sudden her anger fell and she began to cry. "All we try to do is protect you!" she began to sobb harshly. "Clarice told me! Clarice told me that you've been sneaking out!"

I started shaking my head, I shook my head harshly. "No!" I ran past my mother and that was when I realized that I hadn't seen any of my ladies maids all day. I had dressed and groomed myself this morning but I hadn't thought much of it, until now. "What did you do to them!" I turned around and I felt tears run down my cheeks. I started to run down the corridor and then a few guards tried to stop me. "Get out of my way!" They quickly moved and I stepped in between them. I ran towards the dungeons and then I began to hear a whip being lashed back and forth. A guard was standing in the way of the door. "GET OUT OF MY WAY!" the guard didn't move. "GET OUT OF MY WAY BEFORE I HAVE YOU AND YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY BEHEADED!" He stepped aside and then when the door opened the sound of the whip became louder I began to hear screaming and crying coming from all directions. I panicked and headed towards the largest door. That was where I found myself standing in front of a man who had Clarice chained to a wooden post. As I entered he didn't stop slashing her with the whip.

"STOOOP!" I yelled and the man stopped in mid whip and accidently hit himself in the face; the blood began to run down his hand and he stepped aside. "Clarice..." I ran towards her and I held her head up. Her pale face was stained in tears and covered in dots of blood. "UNCUFF HER YOU BASTARD!" I cried out at the top of my lungs. The large man came and uncuffed her from the post. Her body fell into my arms and she began to shake uncontrolably.

"Marie..." she looked up towards me and I held her close. Her gray eyes were dull and had lost their radiant glow. Tears began to stream down my face as I stared at her life begin to fade. "It's not your fault..." she whispered. I began to cry and then I felt her stop shaking and I wiped the tears from my face. I stared at her for a while; then I acknowledged the of the screams.

"Margot! Jillian! Reane!" I cried out. I placed Clarice down and ran out the door. I opened various doors and found nothing there was no one being tortured in the other rooms. I began to feel dizzy and weak. I walked over towards the last door and that was where I found my three ladies maids lying on the floor. Their blood scattered all over the stone. I sat there for a while and stared at their corpses; then my blood began to boil. I sobbed for a while more and then ran up the steps to go back to my room. My blue dress was no longer blue. I was drenched in my ladies maids blood. I stormed up the steps and took a turn at the throne room. My being was itching for a fight with my parents I despised them. My father and my mother were sitting in their thrones talking to the knight who was running the war. When I stepped inside all eyes fell on me.

"You are sick! You're filthy!" I spat at the floor and then rubbed it harshly with my shoe. "I HATE YOU!" I spat towards my parents.

"Fredrick meet Marie."My father acted like nothing had happened. Fredrick stared at me as if I was mad. He turned to my father and stood up from kneeling.

"With all due respect... This is a joke. Am I right? I can only hope that you would not want... to tarnish my family's name by having me betrothed to... this one." He pointed at me in disgust.

"I know she isn't Annabelle... but she should prove to be a worthy prize." My father scratched his blonde beard and looked over towards me.

"Only because you are the king. Shall I agree to this."

"Agree to what?" my eyes widened as I looked towards my parents.

"Your getting married. To Fredrick he's from  Gronstong." my dad stood up from his throne. "you leave tomorrow, with him."

Yes. Another cliff hanger. Sorry but I had to it builds suspense! No? Ok I guess your right. Haha well this chapter was a bit dark you know with all this death and being engaged to a major umm ... bastard. Yeah, okay I hope you liked this chapter. Please comment, vote and add this to your library if you enjoyed it. Bye until next time! xx Sara

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