Ch. 10 The Creepy Crawlers

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I just want to say I'm so sorry for not uploading. But Wattpad turned this chapter into a bunch of mumbly jumbo and I didn't save the chapter and I couldn't get myself to re-write the chapter. So if you read it I'm sorry cause it's about to change...

I woke up in a warm bedroom my feet still had no feeling but I felt safe wrapped in my blankets. I watched as the snow fell softly through my window. I shivered remembering how cold it was outside. When my senses came back I turned quickly and scanned the room my eyes frantically wandered the area and then I pushed myself up. I fell as soon as my feet touched the ground.

A maid ran inside and held me up. "Where is he?" I cried out as I tried to stand. "Where is the boy that brought me here?" I started to shake and skid on my bandaged heels.

"The... Your parents..." I flung myself forward and wobbled to ny parents room. It was already time to sleep but my horrid walking skills had probably woken everyone. I quickly and harshly opened the doors to mt parents room and they got up.

"Marie!" My mother cried out as she saw my holding onto the door. She ran forward and reached for my arm.

"Get away!" I shouted and I turned to my father. "Where is he?" I asked with pools in my eyes. My father shook his head and looked towards his Eastern window. Tears flooded my face and I slowly trudged back down to my room. Once I got to my room my mother gave the maids an order to keep my room watched and to lock my door. The nurses gave me sleeping medicine which I pretended to take. Then they locked my doors as I changed into a proper dress and boots. I then opened my window and tried to fling myself out. But I knew that wouldn't save Phillip. So instead I grabbed a hair pin that resembled a small dagger. I picked and stabbed at the middle of my door and eventually the small locks gave in. I came out with the hair pin dagger in my hand, I motioned to the women to keep their mouths shut. I slowly skid across the hall and back towards my secret exit.

When I got there I noticed that the temperature had dropped even more. Yet I still marched over to the eastern dungeons. I reached the dungeons and I showed the guards my coat. They let me through and showed me towards a large solider who was supposed to show me Phillip.

"So you are claiming that this boy saved you?" He said as he stroked his mustache.

"I don't claim anything. He did. Charlie is the one you should be after."

"I don't know anyone by the name of Charlie." The man said as he turned a corner. "But it won't matter, if you don't have the king's releasing of this Phillip."

"Am I not the princess that this Kingdom needed so much? When I left this kindgom so did it's future."

The man stayed silent as he banged on a metal door. Phillip looked up his face was bruised and his lips torn and dry. I motioned for the guard to open the door. The guard slowly opened the door and I slipped over towards Phillip.

"Come on, you need help." I grabbed Phillip by his shoulder and his weight pushed down on my heels and I felt my boots expand. I winced at the thought of more pain. But then I realized that Phillip needed me. I looked over at the guard to ask him for help, but I wasn't greeted by the guard I was now face to face with Charlie.

"I went to town for you. I gave you a place to stay. I gave you food, my mother's dress!" Charlie shouted as he took the soliders sword. "I gave you everything I could give you!" He slashed the sword over the guards face. I looked away and then Charlie reached for the keys.

"No!" I ran towards the guard and let Phillip fall but instead I was pulled by Charlie as he slammed Phillip's cell shut. "Guards! Guards!" Then he held me down as he opened another cell.

"I would've taken you with me but I  think I'll just come back later." Charlie threw me into a dark cell and hung the keys over Phillip's cell. "I have a meeting with the King and Queen. I think it's time we take the throne." He smiled as he pulled the sword from the soldiers body. Then he slammed the door at the end of the cells.

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