Ch 4: Now there are three

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Hello! I don't have much to say today other than the usual; please forgive my bad editting skills. This chapter is dedicated to Vanessa432 for giving me feedback in the comments! That felt awesome reading that someone was liking the story so far! Well I won't hold you for any longer go on and read. Enjoy!

"Wake up please. Marie. Marie please wake up." Clarice was nuddging me trying to wake me up in the kindest manner. She was obviously losing her patience. I decided to give her a break and look up. I still had my eyes closed and I didn't say a word. 

"Good morning." I finally broke the silence. She lifted my covers and helped me out of bed. I stood up and walked towards the wardobe. After an exhausting hour of getting ready I was finally ready to leave to the town. My parents had to discuss whether they would raise the taxation on spices or not. I knew that there would be a riot; the kingdom was in debt after joining the eastern states war. Spices were a hot deal if I may say so myself. My father was sure the people would still pay the extra taxation on the spices. I didn't agree with him but I knew better than to speak my mind in front of the king.


The carriage pulled up to the town square. It was only a fifteen minute walk from the palace but my parents insisted on showing off their new imported bulgarian horses. My parents didn't know their limits; after Anna died my father became prejudice and bitter. He wasn't the same anymore; his blue eyes didn't light up when he laughed amd there wasn't a single twinkle in his eye when he saw someone smile. My mother on the other hand was suffering with a fatal cold but my father insisted that no one knew. He made it his duty to do anything she wanted.


I had been sitting in the hall of the court house with many other important representatives when a man in red dashed out the door. He was angry and he twisted his mustache in all directions. He stormed out the door and then a large crowd of common folk gathered around him.

 "THE KING PASSED THE ADDITIONAL TAXATION ON THE SPICES!" he began to yell and more people gathered around."HE IS CHARGING US FOR HIS FUTILE DECISION! IMPORTING HORSES! DRESSING IN FINE SILK! AND WE THE COMMON FOLK HAVE TO PICK UP HIS WEIGHT!" the man's face was red and he was gasping for breath. I quickly ran out the doors; and stepped through the crowd.

I found myself standing next to the man fully clothed in red."That isn't entirely true." the crowd was silent the loud cheers had subsided. "we only joined the war because the eastern states are our allies. If we were to leave them in their time of darkness...". The man in red shook his head.

"That's what they want us to believe! They send the PRINCESS to stop the riot!" he scoffed while holding his breath. He turned to look me straight in the eyes. "has your father forgotten what happened to his daughter the last time he let her go outside... Let me tell you." he turned to face the crowd then back at me "princess..." he spat out the word. "there is a reason why royals stay baracaded behind those tall walls. My mouth trembled; were they going to kill me as their act of rebellion against the tax? I wasn't sure but before I could think the guards came rushing out the door they took down the man in red. The revolt had begun. My head turned from left to right guards and commoners neck and neck fighting over what seemed like nonsense. I decided that I was no longer safe where I was so I decided to leave. Then suddenly a cold large hand took me by surprise. I would've let out a loud piercing scream but my mouth was quickly covered by a leather glove. I tried kicking and pushing but I was still being taken away by the large figure. I began to bite down on his hand but he didn't even flinch. Tears began to stream down my face.  Who would do this to me? Why would they want to kill me? Why hadn't the guards noticed that I was gone? Why wasn't anyone coming for me? The man carried me up a hill my arms were still held tightly behind my back, my shoulders ached. I began to kick again but I only seemed to hurt myself. Then suddenly I heard a familiar voice."Charlie!" I turned my head sharply to the right to see Phillip. "What are you doing? Have you gone mad!" Charlie dropped me on the floor and I gasped for breath I could finally breathe properly. I stood up as quickly as I could and ran towards Phillip. He extended his arms and wrapped them tightly around me. I felt secure with him near; I didn't want to let go but he slowly began to push me away.

"What was that about Charlie?" Phillip stepped in front of me.

"I didn't do anything bad. I actually saved her! She would've been killed by the people. I helped her! If she hadn't acted like a fugitive she wouldn't have had to be carried that way!" Charlie spat at the floor and I walked towards him. I was now standing in front of him. I extended my hand towards his, he firmly grasped it in his gloved hand and smiled towards me.

"Thank you." I turned to look a Phillip again and then I looked back at Charlie "I'm sorry I thought you were trying to hurt me."

"I wasn't."


We headed back to the palace and saw that the entire town was filled up with crazed fights there was blood on the floor and shops with broken windows. I could've almost sworn that there was a stable that had been lit on fire."We can't take her through there." Phillip sounded concerned and worried. "How are we going to get her back?" he asked finally.

"I know a way!" I quickly ran up the hill and once I reached the lamp post I called out for Charlie and Phillip. "Follow me!  Actually don't I'll be fine."

"No. We have to come with you to make sure that you get home safely." Charlie called out from the bottom of the hill. Phillip and Charlie made it up the hill and then they followed me through the woods. Once I reached the clear opening I turned around.

 "Thank you, but I'll be fine now." 

"Where are you going to enter?" Charlie asked.

"Through a secret door on the side of the south tower." 


"You can't let anyone know."

"Of course. We wouldn't want someone to sneak in and attempt to assasinate the royal family." he stared towards the south tower. "you know with the new taxation and all." I gave Phillip a quick smile and then he spoke up.

"I'm guessing you aren't going to come over tomorrow?"

 "I can try..." I waved my hand and then I was off. I ran across the field and headed towards the door I wiggled the latch and then the door swung open. I slowly walked in then I looked towards the woods. I saw Charlie standing in the same spot in which I had left him. Phillip was already weaving his way through the forest but Charlie was still standing there. I waved again and closed the door behind myself I moved the table that once held all of the coats over towards the door. I used the round table to baracade the door. I slowly walked up the steps and entered the palace. I made my way over to the throne room where I found my mother pacing back and forth.


"Oh God Marie! We thought you had been taken for ransom!" she hugged me tightly and I felt a tear land on my neck. She pulled herself away and then looked into my eyes. Then her light brows furrowed together, she stared at me confused and then she spoke. "How did you get inside?"

Well guys that's it for this chapter :) I hope you enjoyed it! If you did please leave a comment below; what was your favorite part? If you really liked this chapter then vote for the chapter. Oh and if you like where this story is heading be sure to add the book into your library! Thank you so much for reading xx Sara.

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