Ch. 11 Escape

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I fumbled and tried to reach the keys that hung near Phillip's cell but there was no luck. I suddenly became aware that there was another person in the cell with me. A frail girl who resemebled the man in the red coat I had spoken rudely to a week ago. I turned towards her and she pointed up.

"The only way you're getting anywhere is through there." She turned away again. "I tried to get through but I didn't fit. I don't think you'll have a problem though."

She was right. Getting through the bars and wall was not my problem getting up there was my problem. I tried to climb up the cell bars but I failed over and over again. I just couldn't seem to get up high enough. Then the girl came over to me and placed bricks under my feet and I started to climb up.

"Those boots won't let you through." She pointed at my bulky snow shoes and I nodded as I took them off. Phillip crawled over and layed himself down near where I was supposed to land.

"I'll break your fall." He groaned. I shook my head.

"No just place the bricks where I need them." He slowly nodded and seemed to hide his pain as best he could. I climbed the bars trying to pull up my body with my arms but I couldn't my arms weren't strong enough to lift my body. I knew I would need to throw up my feet if I wanted to get anywhere. So I did, I stretched myself out so that my heels were on the large brick sides of the cell. I climbed up and felt my bandages get wet again. I groaned loudly but got my head on the top of the cell bars. I rested it there for a while but then my head felt dizzy and I realized I couldn't hang on my chin forever. I motioned to the girl and she began to hand bricks to Phillip. He slowly placed them in cell as I flung myself up. I hit the cell wall but somehow I kept pulling myself forward. I grabbed hold of he bars on the other side and I let myself flop. I twisted over my arms and felt myself hit the ground. My head pulsed and I tried to get up but my wrist must have been broken. My feet were bleeding again and I felt sick. Yet I turned on my side and Phillip stood up. I grabbed onto his shoulder and staggered up and I climbed a little more and grabbed the keys.

"I could have done that." Phillip said as I twisted in my broken wrists through the cell bars and to unlock it's door. I let the door open and I took out the key and walked over to the girl's cell and opened it as well. I let it open and I grabbed my snow boots and slipped them over my wet bandages.

"Thank you." She said as she stood. I pulled together all of my strength and I ran out through the door and walked around the maze of cells until I reached the main exit.

"Phillip is in thete he needs medical attention, and I need a horse. Get your men the palace will be under attack." I grabbed a large horse that was being walked by a man in a coat, I hopped on and rode off towards the palace. In the bitter cold night I felt my hand  burn hotter than a thousand fires. Yet I rode forward until I reached the fountain, I saw that the gates were open and the guards were laying on the floor. But worst of all a large man was standing guard at the gate, he held up a club and I knew I wouldn't be able to defeat him. I quickly rode down the steps that were now adorned by wilted flowers. I let go of the horse when I reached the south tower. I slipped off my boots and coat and picked up a piece of the broken table and slowly turned the corners. I was halfway up the stairs when I heard a noise, it was coming from outside the door. There was someone there waiting for me. I stood by the door and then when I couldn't wait any longer I flung it open and slashed my wood to the side. The wood was met by a maids startled face. I gasped but covered her mouth so she wouldn't give out our location. She pointed towards my sister grave and I saw what she was talking about. Charlie was standing there with my father's crown on his head.

The maid handed me ax she had held behind her. But I rejected it and ran around the back of the corridor. I found a sword hanging near a window I took it off and returned to the maid. But when I turned the corridor, she wasn't there. I turned to look towards the grave and Charlie was not longer there. So I asumed that he had taken the stairs. I limped quickly past it and towards my parents bedroom. When I reached it my throat became dry because the doors were open. I stepped near the doors and I could hear my mother's heavy breathing. It reminded me of the day she had  seen me in my sister's coat. Somehow I braced myself for what I wad about to see and I walked into the room.

"No!" I heard my mother yell as I came into sight. I scanned the room and lying decapitated on the floor was my father and near him was my mother who's hair had been cut short. She was staring at a dark corner of the room where there were guards laying lifelessly. Before I could acknowledge the dark shadow, he came over me, Charlie threw himself over my and grabbed my chin.

"I told you to wait. I was just about to take the kingdom for you!" He spat in my face. I winced and kicked with my bandaged feet but his grip didn't get weak. I spat in his face but he was unmoved by this action. I reached for his sword but he brought it up and pushed it away with my palm. Due to my stupidity I started to bleed over the floor. Charlie began to laugh. I cried out in pain and I saw my mother get up again.

"No!" She cried out as she threw herself over Charlie. He turned around and slashed her, he then stood up to finish her off and I escaped. I turned around and I heard my mother scream. When I turned around there were two people on the floor. I reached for my sword  that had moved to the side and stabbed it into the man who was lying over my mother. I pulled out the sword and the man turned on his side.  It was Phillip.

I looked around and I didn't see Charlie anywhere. So I crouched myself into a corner and didn't let myself see Phillip's cold body.

---THE END---

Horrible ending. I know. I know.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2014 ⏰

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